If you cannot find your organization here, please let us know. We are happy to publish additional organizations that offer adult education events in Dari and/or Pashto.
The following information is available. They have been collected by us and taken over without change. All organizations have been informed by us. If you no longer agree to publication on this platform, please let us know. Your organization will then be removed by us. Please also inform us if you discover incorrect information on our platform.
These are the providers of further training courses known to us in:

Afghan Wulas Kultur&Sportverein,
About: Afghan Wulas Kultur&Sportverein,افغان ولس کلتوري ټولنه،اوتریش Founded in 1999, cultivates and promotes Afghan culture and mother tongue and supports the image
Offers: Culture & Sport
City: Wien
E-mail: aghan_wulas@gmx.at
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Afghan.Wulas.at

About: AGCSO.org is an international bridge between Civil Society activists & Orgs. سازمان جهانی آگسو پل ارتباطی میان فعالین و سازمان های جامعه مدنی میباشد .
Offers: Social
City: Vienna
E-mail: info@agcso.org
Website: www.agcso.org

About: For afghans culture and integration
Offers: Culture & Integration
City: Wien
E-mail: office@afghankor.at
Website: www.afghankor.at

Sports and cultural club "NEUER START"
About: The association "NEUER START" was founded in 2010 as an initiative to support refugees and to establish contacts between refugees among themselves, but also to the Austrian population, but in 2012 with the name Afghan Youth "NEUER START" in Austria as an official association registered with the club police and is a donation-financed Viennese association, which supports refugees in the integration process.
Offers: Sports, Culture
City: Vienna
E-mail: office@neuerstart.at
Website: www.neuerstart.at

About: We are a private organization. We are neither professors, doctors nor engineers. We are simple people who are ready to help because of their human conscience. In Austria we do not have an official office yet, in Afghanistan we already have an office, which also includes a warehouse. In Austria, we currently have three officials and in Afghanistan nine civil servants, but so far all our officials are working for us out of free will, meaning they are not being paid at the moment.
Offers: Foundation
City: Vienna
E-mail: office@samc.or.at
Website: www.samc.or.at

About: We, IGASuS, are an interest group of students and pupils of Afghan origin living in Austria. The community is a platform for intellectual exchange and personal development. IGASuS supports the Afghan community in the field of education and development through personalized offers. The exemplary role of the volunteer members allows IGASuS to act as a bridge between the Afghan and majority society. SAPERE AUDE, "Dare to use your own mind" reflects the educational phase in which the Afghan community finds itself. The magazine is a medium for our members and the community to write about their dreams, reflect on themselves and interact with their environment.
Offers: Education
City: Vienna
E-mail: office@igasus.at
Website: www.igasus.at
About: Help Afghan School children Organization (HASCO) is a non-profit, non-political Organization with an entirely volunteer staff; our aim is to help Afghan children catch up on years of lost schooling. We have no affiliation to any political or ethnical group inside or outside of Afghanistan. We believe that children are the future of every society if we want to prevent the loss of another generation of Afghan children,if we want Afghan uneducated youths to not recruited and used by extremist elements in the future and finally if we want a peaceful prosperity and friendly Afghanistan we must help Afghan children and young generation to get education. HASCO is open for all those who shares our views and actively support education in Afghanistan. Those who especially help financially Afghan School children inside or outside the Organization will be named honorary members of HASCO.
Offers: Education
City: Vienna
E-mail: hasco@chello.at
Website: www.help-afghan-school-children.org

About: Afghans Culture Association
Offers: Culture
City: Vienna
E-mail: mir.ghousudden@chello.at
Website: www.akiseu.org
Afghan Doctors Austria
About: This Facebook page was founded by Dr.med.univ Mohammad Fardin Sharifi.
Offers: Medical AID
City: Vienna
Website: www.facebook.com/afghanischeaerzte.oesterreich.1
Afghan Care
About: Non-profit organisation As long as you are standing, give a hand to those who have fallen.
Offers: Foundation
City: Vienna
Website: www.instagram.com/afghancare/?hl=en
Afghans Association in Wien
About: For afghans in Vienna
Offers: Culture
City: Vienna
E-mail: kgharwal@chello.at
Afghan Tirol Kultur Verein
About: For afghans Culture .
Offers: Culture
City: Innsbruck
Website: www.facebook.com/afg.tirol.kultur

Arriving in Vienna
About: Association for transcultural social support, short: #ankommeninwien Voluntary accompaniment of Farsi-speaking refugees into a self-determined life in Vienna.
Offers: Social, Culture and Refugees
City: Vienna
E-mail: ankommeninwien@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/ankommeninwien/

Austria-Afghanistan Society (ÖAFG)
About: The Austria-Afghanistan Society (ÖAFG) is a non-profit organization based in Vienna/Austria. It promotes cultural and social exchange between the two countries and has been actively advising and project work on the reconstruction of war-traumatised Afghanistan since 2002. We are committed to education and training programs, improving basic medical care and saving diverse cultural heritage. Our focus is on women, children and those in need of protection in order to provide them with improved living conditions and prospects for the future.
Offers: Social & Culture
City: Vienna
Website: www.oeafg.at

Austrian-Afghan Medical Society
About: The Austrian-Afghan Medical Society is a non-profit society and was founded on 24.11.2019 in Vienna. The members come from the broad field of medicine and have the task of supporting society in fulfilling its goals.
Offers: Medical
City: Wien
E-mail: service@oeamg.at
Website: www.oeamg.at

Hadia – The Association
About: Hadia – Association for Cultural Exchange and Promotion of Afghan Women – is non-profit and charitable. This means that our goal is not profit, but social added value.
Offers: Culture & Women
City: Vienna
E-mail: ecoteppiche@gmail.com
Website: www.ecoteppiche.com
Afghan Tradition & Cultural Association
About: Afghan Tradition and Cultural Association in Austria (Mohajerin)
Offers: Culture
City: Vienna
E-mail: marefar-almohajerin[at]outlook.com
Website: www.islam-landkarte.at/detail/afghanischer-tradition-und-kulturverein-in-oesterreich-mohajerin

انجمن زنان افغان مقیم اتریش
About: انجمن زنان افغان مقیم اتریش
Offers: Women's & Culture
City: Vienna
Website: www.facebook.com/afoeeu/

Association Refugee Project Ute Bock
About: Since May 2002, the refugee project Ute Bock has been supporting refugees in Vienna who need our help: with basic care and in integrating. From the first arrival until people can stand on their own two feet. Unconventional, fast and always exactly where we are needed as an aid organization. Shelter. Consultation. Education. Emergency aid. So that refugees have a chance!
Offers: Aid organization for refugees
City: Vienna
E-mail: info@fraubock.at
Website: www.fraubock.at

About: The name "FIVESTONES" refers to a five-stone game of skill popular with children in Afghanistan. The name alludes to the ability to create something valuable from small resources with creativity and skill. At the same time, the five stones symbolize the core values of the association: tolerance, creativity, empathy, commitment and authenticity.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Graz
E-mail: facebook@fivestones.at
Website: www.fivestones.at
انجمن جوانان افغان در اتریش
About: Afghan young generation association in Wien
Offers: Culture , Social
City: Vienna
Phone: +43 665 65658284
Website: www.facebook.com/AJOverrein
انجمن فرهنگي واجتماعي آريانا
About: اينجا در انجمن فرهنگي واجتماعي آريانا، يك هدف مارا هدايت مي كند، تا نقش خود را در تبديل جهان به مكاني بهتر براي همه افغانها هاي عزيز انجام دهيم، فرآيند تصميم گيري ما بر اساس مطالعات تجربي جامع وارزيابي داده هاي با كيفيت بالا است، ما در تلاش براي ايجاد روابط ثمربخش وتأثير مثبت در همه تلاش هاي خود هستيم.
Offers: Culture , Social
City: Forlburg
E-mail: afg.vereinariana@gmail.com
Website: www.afghanischerverein-ariana.com

Handicrafts Baqeri
About: Designing, production of individually handmade stucco and Facade décor, design, model and mold making.
Offers: Construction, Tech
City: Vienna
E-mail: gdb-office@gmx.at
Website: www.gdb-baqeri.at

Station Wien
About: The aims of the foundation of the association were to promote an artistic exchange between different cultures and to create low-threshold advice and German courses for immigrant, educationally disadvantaged women* with children.
Offers: Education, Consulting and Cultural
City: Vienna
E-mail: office@stationwien.com
Website: www.stationwien.org

KATIB Farsi Library
About: The first Persian-language library in Styria. German and English books about Afghan
Offers: Education , Culture , Tradition
City: Graz
E-mail: Farsi.bibliothek@gmx.at
Website: m.facebook.com/KATIBFarsiBibliothek?eav=Afb0yCD8a-HtkpS8wojN82U-1Wf6vXa_tVCUQzpQPYoBiDsVWUWJ8WjOFodXB_LFJD8&paipv=0&_rdr

Kulturverein Koh-e Baba
Offers: Culture
City: Linz
Website: https://www.facebook.com/kohe.baba.7

Offers: ّIntegration through Media
City: Vienna
E-mail: info@oxus.at
Website: www.oxus.tv

OXUS Association
About: “OXUS” is the first diaspora media-focused association in Austria.
Offers: Media Integration Culture
City: Vienna
E-mail: info@oxus.at
Website: www.oxus.at

About: The Integrationshaus is a competence centre for the reception and integration of asylum seekers
Offers: Integration of asylum seekers
City: Vienna
E-mail: info@integrationshaus.at
Website: www.integrationshaus.at

Volkshilfe Austria
About: Volkshilfe is a non-profit, non-partisan and non-denominational welfare organization.In the immediate post-war period, Volkshilfe's main focus is on combating acute, war-related emergencies. In 1950, numerous new priorities were set: childcare facilities were built, care for people in need of care and legal advice were provided, and refugee aid as well as disaster and development aid were provided at home and abroad. Today, Volkshilfe is active in all Austrian provinces. Around 9,000 employees and 25,000 volunteers work tirelessly for more social justice in our society. MY DONATION DONATE NOW YOUR DONATION MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE! FIND OUT MORE FACTS & FIGURES FIND OUT MORE STR
Offers: Aid For People in need
City: Vienna
E-mail: office@volkshilfe.at
Website: www.volkshilfe.at

Diakonie Austria
About: Diakonia is organized charity and commitment to social justice. As the umbrella organisation of 30 large and small non-profit social organisations, it is one of the five largest social associations in Austria.
Offers: Social
City: Vienna
E-mail: diakonie@diakonie.at
Website: www.diakonie.at
About: People with a refugee background first and foremost need safe accommodation, food and medical care, but they need even more, namely the opportunity to develop future prospects. Young people who lose access to education due to war and flight are in danger of growing up into a lost generation. The potential of these people, their knowledge and their talents are also an added value for the universities and for the society that welcomes these people.
Offers: Social, Education
City: Vienna
E-mail: office@uniko.ac.at
Website: www.uniko.ac.at

About: Within the framework of the association area PROSA – Project School for All! basic education and compulsory school-leaving courses are designed and held for the target group of young people with refugee and migration experience. Our educational activity takes place in the triangle of social work – teaching – social inclusion. /Nachbar_innenschaftsarbeit. We understand this concept as PROSA principles. Escape is an emotionally stressful experience and needs its own spaces to process. Social work, which works directly at the place of learning, makes it possible to give the emotional and social consequences of flight a place so that progress can succeed. In addition, individual confidants and buddies are available to the participants as reference persons.
Offers: Education
City: Vienna
E-mail: sassan.esmailzadeh@vielmehr.at
Website: www.prosa-schule.org

Basic education and literacy
About: Information, service and advice on courses and basic education
Offers: Education
City: Vienna
E-mail: office@alphabetisierung.at
Website: www.alphabetisierung.at

Waygal Media وایګل میډیا
About: We tell stories digitally!
Offers: Social, Digital
City: Graz
E-mail: waygalmedia@gmail.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/WaygalMedia
Website: www.facebook.com/WAYGALMedia/?paipv=0&eav=AfYCR7liCJgWCmn6eZdnxOkWIOeZOnfV3grxNGniNLH7xSD1meElh-bXYHJdmTtYjrE&_rdr

Khan Network Academy
About: Khan Network Academy is the first online Network Marketing education platform in Afghanistan
Offers: Education
City: Vienna
E-mail: stoorai@khannetwork.academy
Website: khannetwork.academy/?fbclid=IwAR2tydNt0xZ3sRZhCu19yZCf2oqtoXhuz67jf_YWiwm9WkfIPnNsKT-Qvms

Afghan Diaspora Network
About: Connecting Afghan Diaspora worldwide
Offers: Connecting Afghan Diaspora worldwide
City: Vienna
E-mail: info@afghandiaspora.net
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066868123315

About: The Daikundi Irrigation Initiative assists communities in Daikundi, Afghanistan, to implement small-scale irrigation and development projects to enhance economic opportunities and help adaptation to climate change. It is a project partner of DARYA.
Offers: Education
City: Vienna
Website: https://daikundi-irrigation.com/
E-mail: office@daikundi-irrigation.com

Refugees For Refugees
About: Kontakt : +43 (0)68864306835 Email : barakiharoon1@gmail.com Web : Www.r4refugees.com
Offers: Refuges
City: Wien
E-mail: barakiharoon1@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/refugees.wien

Omid Online School
About: Since the Taliban have been in power in Afghanistan, girls are no longer allowed to go to school from the 7th grade onwards. As a result, the girls no longer receive an education. Zahra and Tamana want to change that. Therefore, in 2022, they founded the Omid Online School, a school for girls in Afghanistan. Currently, more than 1,000 students are taught by 35 teachers in 8 subjects in the Omid Online School. Here you can find out more about the school, the two founders and how you can support the school.
Offers: Education
City: Wien
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Omid.Online.School
E-mail: hope.onlineschool@gmail.com

Radio Afghan Diaspora - RAD
About: Connecting Afghan Diaspora in Europe
Offers: Social & Culture
City: Vienna
E-mail: Radioafghandiaspora@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/RadioAfghan

Austrian Cricket Tigers
About: Austrian cricket Tigers Club
Offers: Sport
City: Vienna
Website: https://www.facebook.com/austriancrickettigers1

Afghan Steiermark Cricket Club
About: ASCC : A Cricket Club in Austria since 2011
Offers: Sport
City: Steiermark
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AfghanSteiermarkCricketClub?locale=de_DE&paipv=0&eav=AfagCSNm2Mc_392IK8mQsJesU6-w8maUFuddBRaTF5H2myhDVZQwRMMnX1b--3KAsPM&_rdr
E-mail: afghan.ascc@live.at

Asylum Coordination Austria
About: Asylum Coordination Austria
Offers: Migrants
City: Vienna
Website: www.asyl.at
About: Afghan Women for Integration and Culture in AT
Offers: Culture
Website: https://www.instagram.com/afik.oe/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ%3D%3D

Katib Verein
About: Katib Verein
Offers: Culture & Education
City: Vienna
Website: https://katibverein.at/
About: INTERCULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CENTER Our non-profit association helps refugees — asylum seekers and recognized refugees to integrate into Austrian society.
Offers: Social
City: Vienna
Website: https://mappaustria.com/d-i.html?utm_content=interkulturelles-entwicklungs-zentrum-i7001043
Afghan Volleyball Association Resident
About: Afghan Volleyball Association Resident in Austria
Offers: Sports
City: Wien
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Sportafghanwien
الماني - پښتو Deutsch-Paschto
About: الماني - پښتو Deutsch-Paschto
Offers: Culture , Education
City: Linz
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057240506738

About: AKÖ-TEAM Join US and enjoy your times. Be Great and happy .
Offers: Social
City: Vienna
E-mail: info@akoteam.at
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AKOTeamAustria

About: Marefat.2020
Offers: Social Culture
City: Wien
E-mail: marefat-almohajerin@outlook.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/marefat.2020

Afghan Kultur Verein Graz
About: Afghan Kultur Verein Graz
Offers: Culture
City: Graz
Website: https://www.facebook.com/afghankulturvereingraz

افغان کلتوري ټولنه
About: افغان کلتوري ټولنه Afghan Culture Society
Offers: Culture
City: Vienna
E-mail: afghankulturetolana@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063357661583

بنیاد خیریه میر Mir Charity
About: این صفحه صرف برای کمک به نیازمندان است
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Vienna
E-mail: Samirasaqi786@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089739482027
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