If you cannot find your organization here, please let us know. We are happy to publish additional organizations that offer adult education events in Dari and/or Pashto.
The following information is available. They have been collected by us and taken over without change. All organizations have been informed by us. If you no longer agree to publication on this platform, please let us know. Your organization will then be removed by us. Please also inform us if you discover incorrect information on our platform.
These are the providers of further training courses known to us in:

Afghaanse Nationale Unie in Belgie
About: ANU in Belgium aims ; defending human rights and fighting race diversity
Offers: Culture & Social
City: Ledeberg
E-mail: afgnatunie.vzw@hotmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/ANU.VZW/

Afghan Tips
About: په پښتو ژبه د بلجيم او اروپا په اړه معلوماتي پاڼه د بلجيم مېشتو افغانانو لخوا... زموږ ملاتړ وکړئ
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Brussels
E-mail: Afghan.Tips@outlook.com
Website: www.afghan.tips/?fbclid=IwAR3GfAwKEApQR2OqUCdzTxoj9vJl4UVrWa22fJh3PdblsQEa2NWk_v6A3z4
Ariana Belgium
About: Wij zijn een Afghaanse socio-culturele vereniging
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Ostend
Website: www.facebook.com/webariana

Afghan Refugee Committee in Belgium
About: A project led and driven by refugees aspiring to help other refugees with their integration process.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Brussels
E-mail: zormatipaktin@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100066783366422
Afghans in Belgium
About: Help with all Afghan Refugees.
Offers: Social
City: Gentbrugge
Website: www.facebook.com/people/Afghans-in-Belgium/100064785006719/
Afghans in Belgium
About: په بلجیم کی د افغانانو ګروپ! ګروپ افغانان مقیم بلجیم! په بلجیم کی د افغانانو ګروپ چی د بلجیم میشتو افغانانو له خوا اداره کیږی یو بی طرفه، غیرسیاسی، او بدون د هر ډول نژادی، قومی، ژبنۍ او هر ډول تعصب، تبعیض څخه فعالیت کوی. چی اساسی هدف یی د بلجیم افغانانو یووالۍ، د یو بل سره د نظرونو، خبرونو، او خپلو ښو او بدو خاطرو شریکول دی. به همه افغانها و به خصوص افغانهای مقیم بلجیک به ګروپ خوش آمدید می ګوییم و امیداوریم تا نظرات، انتقادات، اخبار، مشکلات و راه حل مناسب و ممکن مشکلات برادران افغان را با ما شریک سازند تا همه ما از آن استفاده خوب و موءثر نماییم. *د ګروپ ځانګړې هدفونه: ۱. یکجا و متحد ساختن همه افغانها در بلجیم ۲. د ګټورو معلوماتو او تجروبو شرېکول ۳. شریک ساختن مشکلات و ارائه نمودن راههایی حل مناسب برای آن ۴. په بلجیم که د مختلفو افغانی ادبی، هنری, سیاسی اجتماعی, کلتوری غونډو او داسی نورو مسئایلو څخه د ټولو دوستانو خبرول. یادونه: نظرونه، انتقادونه، نوی خبرونه او خبرتیاوی, خوږی قصی او خوندوری ټوکی او نوی پیښی مونږ سره شریکی کړۍ. .باشریک کردن اخبار جدید مارا از همه حوادث روزمره آګاه سازید.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Brussels
Website: www.facebook.com/groups/Belghanistan/

Afghaanse Cultureel Centrum
About: Afghan Cultural Association of Antwerp City and Districts
Offers: Culture
City: Antwerp
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064499207430
E-mail: naweed_n@hotmail.be
Afghan Community of Belgium
About: A Community for afghans around Belgium city of Ostend.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Ostend
Website: www.facebook.com/groups/1840048869623933

Darlingo AF
About: virtual Dari (Farsi) lessons from beginner to advanced. Any age & any level of proficiency.
City: Brussels
E-mail: info@darilingo.com
Website: www.darilingo.com

European Network of migrant Women
About: European Network of Migrant Women (ENOMW) was formalised as an AISBL (International Non-Profit Association) in Belgium in 2012. Prior to this a number of migrant women organisations, who eventually became the founding members of the network, had already forged partnerships and voiced the need for a formal structure that would support, visibalise and promote the specific concerns and rights of migrant women at the European level.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Brussels
E-mail: info@migrantwomennetwork.org
Website: www.migrantwomennetwork.org
European Council on Refugees and Exiles
About: European Council on Refugees and Exiles, is a pan-European alliance of 110 non-governmental organisations protecting and advancing the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and displaced persons. Our mission is to promote the establishment of fair and humane European asylum policies and practices in accordance with international human rights law.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Brussels
E-mail: vzahle@ecre.org
Website: www.ecre.org
Network of Afghan Diaspora (NADOE)
About: The EU and its Member States have been the second largest providers of developmental and humanitarian aid, democracy support and peace promotion in Afghanistan for 20 years. In addition, the EU is investing to explore and expand the role of diaspora organisations in socioeconomic development in Europe as well as their country of origin. The experience and sound advice of European Afghans could help European leaders to provide aid in more efficient ways.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Brussels
E-mail: Info@nadoe.eu
Website: nadoe.eu

About: Afghanistan is so much more than what we hear and see in the news. Its majestic mountains are witnesses to a long history and rich, deep-rooted traditions. Afghanistan is described as ‘The crossroads of Asia’. Afghans are proud of their ancient heritage, great civilisations, diversity of cultures and ways of showing hospitality. Yet years of conflict, still ongoing, have also marked this land deeply. The contrast lies in the beauty of the landscape with the reality of so many people living in poverty. There are currently no OM staff members in Afghanistan. We continue to pray for the people of Afghanistan during this time.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Zaventem
E-mail: info.be@om.org
Website: www.om.org/be/be_en

CIDSE - together for global justice
About: We are an international alliance of 18 Catholic agencies working together for global justice.
Offers: Human Rights
City: Brussels
E-mail: postmaster@cidse.org
Website: https://www.facebook.com/cidse/

OXFAM international
About: Oxfam is a global movement of people, working together to end the injustice of poverty. That means we tackle the inequality that keeps people poor. Together, we save, protect and rebuild lives when disaster strikes. We help people build better lives for themselves, and for others. we take on issues like land rights, climate change and discrimination against women. And we won’t stop until every person on the planet can enjoy life free from poverty.
Offers: Humanitarian/Social
City: Brussels
Website: https://www.oxfam.org/en
FAROE Committee
About: FAROE Committee
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Antwerp
E-mail: laho@hotmail.com
Active Citizen Europe (ACE)
About: ACE was developed by founders who share a passion for education, human rights and social development.
Offers: Social & Refuges
City: Brussels
E-mail: contact@activecitizeneurope.org
Website: www.activecitizeneurope.org

Afghan refugees in Belgium
About: After failing several asylum procedure a group of 450 Afghan nationals start to resist
Offers: Refugees
City: N/A
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AfghanRefugeesBelgium

Afghan Masjid Antwerp Belgium
About: Afghan Masjid Antwerp Belgium
Offers: Culture
City: Antwerp
Website: https://www.facebook.com/afghanmosquein.belgium.7?paipv=0&eav=Afae4NINr-dTFP1Z3xTXlvUeoSpG_Ff68eDd4j7uuYv_Vl05Rbna0Gk3urJjzeclNTs&_rdr

Afghan Cultural Society in Anti-Afghan
About: Afghan Cultural Society in Anti-Afghan City
Offers: Culture
City: Antwerp
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AfghaansecultureleassociatieinAntwerpen

Ghazi Ahmad Shah Baba Cultural Community
About: Helping each other and living happily together
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Antwerp
Website: https://www.facebook.com/GAS.Belgium

Women Refugee Committee Belgium
About: Woman Refugee Committee Belgium is an initiative sponsored by UNHCR in Belgium to help refugees.
Offers: Social
City: Brussels
Website: https://www.facebook.com/WRCBE