If you cannot find your organization here, please let us know. We are happy to publish additional organizations that offer adult education events in Dari and/or Pashto.
These are the providers of further training courses known to us in:

Dansk Hazara Forening
About: Danish Hazara Forening was officially founded on October 10, 2021. The original idea started in the summer of 2021, when a group of young Danish Hazara gathered to help their long-oppressed people in Afghanistan. While the first steps are being taken, something happens that really establishes the importance of this organization. On August 15, 2021, Afghanistan as an entire country will be taken over by the Taliban.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Glostrup
E-mail: info@dahaf.dk
Website: dahaf.dk

About: this page just for sharing information about Danish language for afghans. this page will help
Offers: Magazine
City: Glostrup
Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071402235022

Dansk Afghansk Humanitær Forening
About: The Danish Afghan Humanitarian Association (DAHF) was founded in 1995. Until 2008, the association had rooms available with many activities, including homework café, lectures, courses in sewing, IT, swimming, taekwondo, etc. After that, the association changed and since 2011 we have collected equipment to be packed in containers and sent to Afghanistan.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Aarhus
E-mail: info@daahf.dk
Website: daahf.dk

About: The Afghan Youth Association in Denmark (AYAD) is a nationwide organization for young Afghans living in Denmark.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Aarhus
E-mail: info@ayad.dk
Website: http://ayad.dk/

ANaR - Afghan Network and Resources
About: ANAR is a voluntary, humanitarian association that wants to strengthen an Afghanistan on Afghanistan's terms.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Copenhagen
Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084925609281

Dansk afghansk kvinde og diasporaforum
About: DAKDIF is an independent, advisory body among women from the Afghan diaspora in Denmark. As an initiative from the Danish NGO, Dacaar, the aim is to support women's opportunities for education, income and leadership positions etc. in Afghanistan.
Offers: Women, Education
City: Copenhagen
E-mail: tahmina.salik@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/dakdif2021/

Afghans in Denmark/افغان های مقیم دانمار
About: Help for Afghan refugees in Denmark. Danish government to hear our voice in Afghanistan.
Offers: Refugees
City: Copenhagen
Website: www.facebook.com/afghanereidanmark

ADKA Media Studio
About: دریچه بسوی روشنایی هنر ادب فرهنگ و معرفی پیشگامان هنر ا
Offers: Art
City: Vejle
E-mail: sabnm8@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.adka.dk/

Daf- Shora
About: Afghans Denmark Shora
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Copenhagen
E-mail: hadi.abawi@gmail.com
Website: afghan-danmark.dk

Katib Kultur Forening
About: Katib Kultur Forening is a subscription-based association, founded on 14 April 2007 in Copenhagen.
Offers: Culture
City: Rødovre
E-mail: info@katib.dk
Website: www.katib.dk

Hela Afghan Youth Association - HAYA
About: Humanitarian and foundation for youths
Offers: Foundation
City: Copenhagen
Website: m.facebook.com/Hela-Afghan-Youth-Association-HAYA-466910503799493/?paipv=0&eav=AfY8tgevVropJFwJduK8zv-rN9npUEFDxb1LZUSdBtDA374IAGpretXxmfuUn1lYeRI
نیازمندی های روزمره افغان های ( دنمارک)
About: For needs of afghans in Denmark.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Copenhagen
Website: www.facebook.com/groups/1282613721765057/
Den Afghansk Forening
About: Frame of Denmark associations for afghans
Offers: Social & cultural
City: Different Cities
Website: www.krak.dk/den+afghanske+forening/firmaer
De Forenede Afghanere
About: It is so cool, cozy and educational to be a member of the United Afghans. Our members are children, young people and their parents and grandparents. The association was founded in June 2008 and recently we have gained many new members consisting of families with children. There are more and more people, especially families with children, who have shown great interest in being part of our association
Offers: Education
City: Aarhus
E-mail: bibi-aisha@hotmail.com
Website: oreningsportalen.aarhuskommune.dk/side.asp?wkid=10017&side=11&mergeid=1&debtorinfoid=2376

About: the Afghan Cultural Association is a politically independent organization which was established on 31 June 2000 in Copenhagen. Any person can become a member of the organization. This means that all Afghans and people from other countries or cultures who are interested in Afghan culture, history, language, etc. can become members of the organization
Offers: Culture
City: Copenhagen
E-mail: akf@tolana.net
Website: www.tolana.net

Danish Afghanistan Committee
About: The Danish Afghanistan Committee (DAC) is an apolitical member association. DAC was founded in 1984, and has worked in Afghanistan ever since, both in primary and secondary health services.
Offers: Health Services , Humanitarian
City: Copenhagen
E-mail: dac@afghan.dk
Website: www.afghan.dk

About: Humanitarian and development sectors.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Copenhagen
E-mail: copenhagen@dacaar.org
Website: www.dacaar.org

About: DAARTT (Danish Assistance to Afghan Rehabilitation and Technical Training), the Afghan department of Danish People’s Aid, builds schools in order to enhance access to education among children and the youth in Afghanistan. Creating a functioning educational system is essential to the rehabilitation of the country, to the fight against poverty and for a better future for the next generation.
Offers: Education, Humanitarian
City: Nykøbing
E-mail: post@folkehjaelp.dk
Website: www.folkehjaelp.dk

Afghan MMCC
About: Children and youth of Afghanistan are joining the global movement to save our planet. MMCC by its Urban Challenge (UC) platform supports the youth with their incredible ideas, determination and enormous capacities
Offers: Youths for climate change
City: Copenhagen
Website: http://www.afghanmmcc.org/
Den Afghanske/Danske Kulturforening
Offers: Culture
City: Vejle
Phone: +45 46 99 73 20
Afghansk Dansk Kvinde Association
Offers: Culture
City: Vejle
Phone: +45 48 44 11 02
Den Afghanske/ Danske Venskabsforening
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Vejle
Phone: +45 75 72 21 34
Website: www.kultunaut.dk/perl/sted/type-nynaut/nr-1371168
Afghansk Damil. Kultur Forening
Offers: Culture
City: Aarhus
Phone: +45 51 26 46 38
Dansk/Afghansk Kulturelle Venskab Foreni
Offers: Culture
City: Viby J
Phone: +45 61 65 18 40
Aarhus Dansk Afghansk Forening ( Adaf)
Offers: Culture
City: Aarhus
Phone: +45 30 74 72 77
Afghansk - Dansk Venskabsforening
Offers: Culture
City: Aalborg
Phone: +45 32 18 81 61
Afghansk Kultur Forening
Offers: Culture
City: Lystrup
Phone: +45 26 79 66 86
Afghansk Kulturforening
Offers: Culture
City: Skanderborg
Phone: +45 26 84 99 31
The Afghan Cultural Center
Offers: Culture
City: Aarhus
Phone: +45 86 91 04 70
The Afghan Culture and Sports ORG
Offers: Culture & Sport
City: Aarhus
Phone: +45 50 46 24 59
Afghan Masjid
About: Religious placer for afghans prayers and religious stuffs .
Offers: Religon
City: Viby J
Phone: +45 23 43 98 36

About: The Cultural and Cultural Society of Denmark
Offers: Culture
City: N/A
Website: https://www.tolafghan.com/posts/29381

Afghan Ghag DK
About: It is a radio broadcast that is broadcast freely and online via Radio Gladsaxe Kanal.
Offers: Social,Culture
City: Søborg Hovedgade
E-mail: AfghanghagDK@hotmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063694297498

Afghan Lawyers’ Association in Denmark
About: Afghan Lawyers’ Association in Denmark
Offers: Social
City: N/A
E-mail: afghanlawyersassociation@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/faajid

Afghan Diaspora
About: DRC began working in Afghanistan in the 1990s through Humanitarian Mine Action and expanded its scope and reach of programming in 2011 to provide multi-sector and holistic packages of assistance. We currently work in four regions of the country, focusing on the most vulnerable and at-risk conflict and natural disaster-affected populations, including internally displaced persons (IDPs), host communities, and returnees. Danish Refugee Council is currently working in 40 countries around the world. Our work with refugees
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Copenhagen
E-mail: drc@drc.ngo
Website: https://pro.drc.ngo/what-we-do/civil-society-engagement/diaspora-programme/afghan-diaspora/
Mission East
About: Mission East’s work ranges from emergency relief in crisis situations to long-term development assistance. We specialise in the following main sectors:
Offers: AIDS
City: Hellerup
E-mail: admin@missioneast.org
Website: missioneast.org/en

شورای افغانان مقیم دنمارک
About: شورای افغانان مقیم دنمارک
Offers: Culture
City: Copenhagen
Website: https://www.facebook.com/dafshora.danmark.3

Parastoha TV-Network
About: As ever, your likes, comments, and shares are appreciated. Thank you for watch
Offers: Refugees , Media
City: Hjorring
Website: https://www.facebook.com/ParastohaTV

Afghan Daanish Foundation
About: Afghan Daanish Foundation is a charity founded by Najiba Akbari in 2019. Our vision is to contribute to rebuilding war-torn Afghanistan through the education and training of children and young people, so that the new generation of Afghans gains an increased understanding of democracy, citizenship and human rights.
Offers: Humanitarianism
City: Arhus
E-mail: contact@daanishfoundation.com
Website: https://daanishfoundation.com/