If you cannot find your organization here, please let us know. We are happy to publish additional organizations that offer adult education events in Dari and/or Pashto.
These are the providers of further training courses known to us in:

Afghanic e.V.
About: Since there was hardly any information material on Afghanistan at the time of its founding, the vision was to found an information center and make it available. This is how the idea of Afghanic e.V. (Afghanistan Information Center) arose, which was finally founded in 1993 as a bridge between Germany and Afghanistan. The association is aimed at all people and organizations who are interested in Afghanistan and the Afghan diaspora in Germany / Europe.
Offers: Social culture
City: Bonn
Website: http://www.afghanic.de/
Afghan Art فرهنگ هنری افغانستان
About: Page would be Representing Afghanistan's rich Art
Offers: Art
City: N/A
Website: https://www.facebook.com/The.Afghan.Art

Pashtun Association
About: This is an information page for Afghans in Germany.
Offers: Social
City: Berlin
Website: https://www.facebook.com/paschtunischerverein

About: Articular pin of change and connection- د بدلون او پیوستون محور
Offers: Social & Culture
City: Berlin
Website: https://hazob.de/de/home/

About: We are a civil society initiative that is aware of its responsibility towards the Afghan people and accepts this responsibility. With the help of your donations and our commitment, we have already succeeded in supporting several thousand people in their safe and legal departure. But we're far from done with that and we're moving on!
Offers: Refugees
City: Hamburg
E-mail: info@kabulluftbruecke.de
Website: www.kabulluftbruecke.de

Mah Berlin
About: Mah is a Berlin-based association that is committed to the empowerment and integration of refugee women from Afghanistan in Germany as well as the support of women in Afghanistan. The recent withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan has triggered a serious humanitarian crisis that has hit women and children in Afghanistan hardest.
Offers: Social integration
City: Berlin
Website: https://afghanischer-frauenverein-mah.de/

NAZO Deutschland
About: NAZO Germany – Help for Afghan Women e.V. is the sister association of the Afghan association ALS. We chose the name in memory of NAZO Tokhay, the "grandmother of Afghanistan". She lived around 1700, was a poet and mother of the founder of the state, Mir Wais Hotaki. But soon there were several associations in Afghanistan with the name NAZO. Above all, the wives of influential politicians had founded it and called it NAZO. In order to avoid a legal dispute, the association NAZO-Afghanistan has been called Afghan Luminous Sun – NAZO Professional Education Center (ALS) since September 2005. Both associations go back to the initiative of Elke Jonigkeit, a documentary filmmaker. Since 1985, 8 films have been made in Afghanistan about the way people think and live, especially women and children. Together with the protagonists of their films, both associations were founded in 2003.
Offers: Womens
City: Düsseldorf
Website: https://nazo-support.org/gremien/

NAVID Netzwerk afghanischer Vereine
About: NAVID is a non-profit initiative founded by volunteers in 2017
Offers: Social culture
City: Frankfurt
Website: https://www.facebook.com/vereinsnetzwerk/
About: culture and education
Offers: Education
City: N/A
Website: https://qamosona.com/

medica mondiale e. V.
About: medica mondiale e. V. Strong Together: New Strategies for Women's Rights Work in Afghanistan
Offers: Medical
City: Köln-Bonn
Website: https://medicamondiale.org/spenden/weitere-spendenmoeglichkeiten/spenden-nach-thema/spenden-fuer-frauen-in-afghanistan

(خانهء افغان) Afghan House
About: خانهء افغان یا .Empowerment e.V "ما براى وصل كردن آمديم" خانهء افغان نهاد فرهنگى- اجتماعى متعلق به همه افغان هایی كه دست شان در جرایم هولناک بیش از چهل سال اخیر وطن داخل نبوده ومتهم به جرایم مشهود نسبت به وطن و وطنداران نباشند در اين نهاد همه اعضأصرف نظر از تعلقات جنسیتى (زن و مرد)، دينى، مذهبى ،زبانی و قومى با هم برابراند اين نهاد هر كسى را كه در افغانستان زندگى مى كند، تابعيت اش را قبول داشته و متعهد به دفاع از منافع ملى آن باشد،مطابق قوانین بین الملل افغان ميداند اين نهاد اتباع افغانستان را به شكل انفرادى (نه گروهى) بدون در نظر داشت تعلقات جنسیتى (زن و مرد)، دينى، مذهبى، زبانی و قومى آنان در برابر قانون دارندهء حقوق مساوى ميداند اين نهاد هر كسى را، كه فرقه و گروه دينى، مذهبى و قومى یی را نسب به ديگرى برتر بداند و يا فرقه و گروهى را توهين كند، متعصب دانسته و عضویت اش را فسخ مى كند
Offers: Culture
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/964960853575685/

Together in Germany
About: Together in Germany
Offers: Consulting
City: N/A
Website: https://together-in-germany.de/fa
Afghanen in Hamburg افغانستانی ها در هام
About: Afghanen in Hamburg افغانستانی ها در هامبورگ
Offers: Culture
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/247895332081418/

Afghanisches Koordinierungszentrum
About: This is the official website of the Coordination Office for Afghans Living in Germany.
Offers: Social & culture
City: Berlin
Website: www.facebook.com/Akz.de
E-mail: Afghanisches.zentrum@gmail.com

Afghans in Germany افغانهای مقیم المان
About: Afghans in Germany افغانهای مقیم المان
Offers: Culture
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1367360057103499/
Go volunteer
About: GoVolunteer brings charitable projects together with people who want to help.
Offers: Aid
City: Hamburg
Website: https://govolunteer.com/

Refugees welcome to Dusseldorf
About: Refugees welcome to Dusseldorf
Offers: Refugees
City: Düsseldorf
E-mail: info@fwi-d.de
Website: www.fluechtlinge-willkommen-in-duesseldorf.de

Cap Anamur / Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V.
About: Cap Anamur provides humanitarian aid in war and crisis regions worldwide. #Hilfedieankommt
Offers: Medical
City: Köln
Website: https://www.facebook.com/CapAnamur/

About: Since its establishment in 2006, the WEFA International Humanitarian Aid Organization has been working to deliver humanitarian aid to all those in need in poverty, regardless of religion, language, race and sect, regardless of religion, language, race and sect, who have suffered disasters, distressed, suffered by war or natural disasters. WEFA, which does not have any political activities and continues its charity activities independently, creates a bond of affection between philanthropists and donors with its aid organizations and volunteer activities.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Cologne
Website: https://wefa.org/
Ahmad Wali Achakzai
About: Ahmad Wali Achakzai
Offers: Education
City: N/A
Website: https://www.ahmadwali.achakzai.com/
Afghan Time
Offers: Culture
City: Cologne
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1618787055069509/

Afghanen aus ganzen
About: افغان های مقیم آلمان/ Afghanen aus ganzen
Offers: Culture
City: Kiel
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/barcelobafriedchicken/
Afghan Kitchen
About: Afghan Kitchen/اشپزخانه افغانی
Offers: Culture
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/301463681236016/

DW پښتو
About: موږ مو له مهمو حالاتو خبروو. تاسي راته وواياست، چي په اړه ئې څه فکر کوئ. د آلمان او نړۍ پر مهمو موضوع
Offers: News/ Media Social
City: Bonn
Website: https://www.facebook.com/dw.pashto/
Afghan culture community in Germany
About: Afghan culture community in Germany - په جرمني کې د افغانانو کلتوري ټولنه
Offers: Culture
City: Bayren
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Paschtunen.Kultur.in.Bayern.e.V

Federation of European Afghan
About: Federation of European Afghan Associations
Offers: Federation
City: N/A
Website: https://www.facebook.com/FederationofEuropeanAfghanAssociations/
Advisa Business Academy
About: Education Programs on Economic Issues: advisa Wirtschatsakademie e.V. offers training, workshops, and different types of informal adult education programs. The association has outstanding experiences in organizing events, particularly conferences at national and international levels. We believe economic development is vital for each society, and we aim to bring the knowledge and offer them for enhancement of economic knowledge among people. Socio-economical integration of Afghan migrants in Germany and Europe Our association offers different types of socio-economic integration programs for Afghan migrants in Germany and Europe. Our team consists of Afghan and German experts who have a passion for the successful socio-economic integration of Afghans in Germany and Europe. Civic Education Our association offers different civic education programs for the citizens to ensure everyone is aware of rights and values. Mainly, we work on social cohesion programs, cross-regional cooperation, political participatory activities, and finding a pathway for civic voices. To ensure that citizens have the knowledge to form independent opinions and make informed decisions; and To empower citizens to express their situation, know and do their responsibilities to society, and play an active role in social and political activities. Promoting Digital Education and Innovation in Europe Digital knowledge becomes an essential part of everyone’s life, and citizens should have equal digital education access. Therefore, our association has tremendous experience in offering training courses, and we thrive for innovation in designing new digital education programs for all the citizens, mainly migrants in Germany and Europe. Women Empowerment Our association offers different types of projects for women, particularly women with a migration background, in Germany and Europe. Our first project to work with women was in 1994, and we have been striving to empower women’s roles in communities and societies.
Offers: Education/Social
E-mail: advisa.akademie@hamburg.de
Website: http://www.wirtschaftsakademie.info/

Female Fellows
About: The non-profit association Female Fellows e.V. is particularly committed to empowering women with refugee and migration experience. Whether in the tandem project in Stuttgart and Bietigheim-Bissingen or in international projects: encounters are important. They inspire, help moving forward and broaden horizons. They provide foresight. Our goal is a society that lives its diversity and in which everyone has equal rights to help shape it.
Offers: Womens
City: Stuttgart
Website: https://femalefellows.com/en/

Afghans Today
About: Afghans Today
Offers: Community, Social
City: N/A
Website: https://twitter.com/afghans_today
Initiative Afghanisches Hilfswerk e.V.
About: Die „Initiative Afghanisches Hilfswerk“ (IAH) e.V. ist ein gemeinnütziger, Afghanisch-Deutscher Verein, der 1994 in Marburg gegründet wurde. Der Verein setzt sich seit bereits 26 Jahren sowohl in Afghanistan als auch in Deutschland für Bildung, Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe und Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen ein. Zusätzlich unterstützt die Initiative die beidseitige Integration in Deutschland mit zahlreichen Projekten, Veranstaltungen und Maßnahmen.
Offers: Education
City: Marburg
Website: https://iah-ev.de/
Afghan Online University
About: The Afghanistan Online University (AOU) is a Germany-based institution that offers high-quality education and research opportunities by and for Afghans and anyone interested in studies relevant to Afghanistan.
Offers: Education
City: N/A
Website: https://afghan-online-university.org/

Qamar e.v
About: Qamar Foundation is a Germany (11459) and an Afghanistan (4078) registered non-profitable organization .
Offers: Humanitarian Aid
City: Bonn
Website: https://qamarcharity.org/
Democrat womens Assosiation
About: Democrat womens Assosiation
Offers: Womens
City: Bonn
E-mail: azizgardizi@gmx.de
Afghanistan's Cultural Home in Berlin
About: Afghanistan's Cultural Home in Berlin
Offers: Culture
City: Berlin
E-mail: afghancultuur@hotmail.com
Afghan Women Movement Hannover
About: Afghan Women Movement Hannover
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Hannover
Website: agkwali@yahoo.com
Rah Literary Association
About: Rah Literary Association
Offers: Education
City: Frankfurt
E-mail: faranisaid2005@yahoo.com
Solidarity committee with the People
About: Solidarity committee with the People of Afghanistan.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Frankfurt
E-mail: mariumatmar@aol.com
Afghan Cultural Group
About: Afghan Cultural Group
Offers: Culture
City: Gottingen
E-mail: djallalzada.wais@hotmail.com
Afghan specialists in Germany
About: Afghan specialists in Germany
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Bermen
Website: aroostai@hotmail.com
Faroe committee in Essen
About: Faroe committee in Essen
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Essen
Website: e.faizy@web.de
Afghan Home Hamburg
About: Afghan Home Hamburg
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Hamburg
E-mail: aryubi.khyal@gmail.com

About: Welthungerhilfe
Offers: Humanitrian
City: Bonn
Website: https://www.welthungerhilfe.org/our-work/countries/afghanistan

Help Dunya e.V
About: We help people - all over the world, no matter where.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Bremen
Website: https://help-dunya.com/

Katachel e.V.
About: Katachel e.V. Association for Humanitarian Aid in Afghanistan
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Wolfsburg
Website: https://www.katachel.de/
Afghan House e. V
About: Afghan House e.V.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.genios.de/firmen/firma/AF/afghan-house-e-v-.html

Provide e. V
About: is a solely non-profit organization that supports social projects around the world associates itself closely with the Christian Worldview represents people who are committed to taking social responsibility sends out experts worldwide
Offers: Education
City: Angelbachtal
Website: https://www.provide-ev.de/afghanistan
Afghan Medical Staff Association e.V.
About: Afghan Medical Staff Association e.V.
Offers: Medical
City: Goettingen
Website: https://en.nicelocal.com.de/goettingen/medical/afghan_medical_staff_association_ev/
Afghan Civil Society Forum ORG
About: Afghan Civil Society Forum ORG
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: N/A
Website: https://acsf.af/
Afghan Euro Sport e.V.
About: Afghan Euro Sport e.V.
Offers: Sport
City: Essen
Website: https://web2.cylex.de/firma-home/afghan-euro-sport-e-v--11824773.html

Afghan Euro sport
About: Afghan Euro sport اتحادیه ورزشی افغانها در اروپا
Offers: Sport
City: Dusseldorf
Website: https://www.facebook.com/people/Afghan-Euro-sport-%D8%A7%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%AF%DB%8C%D9%87-%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%B2%D8%B4%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%87%D8%A7-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%BE%D8%A7/100057671161206/
About: Amyal is a non-governmental aid organization (NGO) that provides medical care, surgery and education to acutely needy Afghan children. Amyal helps regardless of religious or political interests. Amyal's work is based on the understanding that children of war are also the hopes of tomorrow and that health and education are indispensable prerequisites for them to be part of a peaceful, constructive society. Amyal means 'wishes/hopes' in Dari, one of the main languages in Afghanistan.
Offers: Medical /Education
City: Koln
Website: http://amyal.org/

AFG Bergstraße
About: Afghan Football Association Bergstraße (AFG- Bergstraße ) e.V.
Offers: Sport
City: Bensheim
Website: https://www.facebook.com/bergstrasse.afg?hc_ref=ARQmdL5sdtE3EBnnX9CXTA4DQRTH-i6hpQh4scJdOwgTJLZLdVkYAT6NJ-DKXhmAqZo

FFM Afghan Kickers e. V
About: Ffm Afghan Kickers e.V.
Offers: Sport
City: Frankfurt
Website: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070106745536&eav=Afa3HSZ1dBrUW8SXAcnMCeN1vygF-Xz_pX9wRGwV7AaJEhcudBWJreuT3VE4lVcotg8&sk=photos&_rdr

Children AID Afghanistan
About: The CHILDREN'S AID AFGHANISTAN is a private initiative of the Regensburg family Dr. med. Reinhard and Annette Erös and their five grown-up children Veit, Urs Welf and twin sisters Cosima and Veda.
Offers: Children AID
City: Mintraching
E-mail: eroesbavaria@t-online.de
Website: https://www.kinderhilfe-afghanistan.de/
Afghans in Germany and Greece
About: Afghanistan Info, News & Views in Dari دانستنی ها، اخبار و دیدگاه ها از افغانستان و سایر کشورهای جهان
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.instagram.com/afghangermani/
The German-Afghan Initiative
About: The German-Afghan Initiative, a registered non-profit association with a small office in Freiburg, emerged from a group of active people who met for the first time in October 2001 to jointly provide humanitarian aid to the refugees in Afghanistan. Emergency aid campaigns, which were organized and carried out by Germans and Afghans living in Germany from Freiburg and the surrounding area, developed into projects of reconstruction and self-help.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Freiburg
Website: https://www.deutsch-afghanische-initiative.de/
Afghans in Germany
About: Asalamu Alaikum. We warmly welcome you to this group. We are happy about every topic that you can discuss freely here. However, we ask you to be very careful with your choice of words and it is extremely important to us that you respect each other and tolerate any other opinion. Insults are not welcome in this group at all, but strictly FORBIDDEN! If you have any suggestions, complaints, questions or suggestions for improvement, please let us know by PM. Otherwise, we wish you a lot of fun in the group!
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: N/A
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/299864383871460
Afghanischen Gemeinde Berlin
About: Afghanischen Gemeinde Berlin
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Berlin
Website: https://www.ag-berlin.de/

AFima e.V.
About: AFima e.V.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Magdeburg
Website: https://www.facebook.com/people/AFima-eV/100065204790400/?locale=hi_IN&paipv=0&eav=AfZag70uzt7R9e_HauRy-6_-AOIcqLcd8Utob1L5lsdyUfSczgU1ACOJGBqguTrLZ-4&_rdr

About: HÁWAR.help strives to build a peaceful and harmonious world, in which every human being can heal and grow in safety and with agency, regardless of their ethnic background, faith, gender or lifestyle. Through its development and educational projects in Iraq and Germany, as well as through international awareness-raising and political advocacy campaigns, the human rights organization pursues the following goals: The empowerment of women, children and minorities who are subject to religious, ethnic or gender-based persecution or discrimination, through access to development and education projects so that they can build secure and self-determined lives. The promotion of openness, compassion and reconciliation within our global society, through access to educational and awareness-raising initiatives, as well as through social, political, and economic inclusion.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Berlin
Website: https://www.hawar.help/en/project/afghanistan/

ZAN e.V.
About: ZAN Aid Organization for the Promotion of the Rights of Afghan Women e.V.
Offers: Womens
City: Frankfurt
Website: https://vafo.ngo/zan_ev/
E-mail: then@zanev.de

Afghan Volunteer Women‘s Association
About: The Afghan Volunteer Women‘s Association (AFV) is a humanitarian aid organization that has been working towards peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan since 1992. Our projects that are mainly in the rural areas, focus on supporting women and children. Our strategy is help for self-help.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.afghanischer-frauenverein.de/en/

About: AFAF e.V – Ärzteverein für Afghanische Flüchtlinge e.V
Offers: Social & Medical
City: Dresden
Website: http://www.afghandoctor.org/25-years/

About: Hope makes every life better! Become a beacon of hope for those in need in Germany and around the world.
Offers: Humanitarian Aid
City: Leonberg
Website: https://www.facebook.com/hoffnungstraeger/

About: The YAAR e.V. was founded as a migrant: internal self-organization in Berlin in 2012 to support people from Afghanistan who have just arrived in Germany. In the first four years of the association, we primarily established ourselves with language promotion and low-threshold educational offers. Since 2016 we have built up a comprehensive offer for the Afghan community in Berlin and Brandenburg with diverse government and private support:
Offers: Social
City: Berlin
Website: http://yaarberlin.de/

ābād e.V.
About: Our association was founded in Berlin in 2019 and has the following purposes: a – The promotion of education b – Supporting refugees c – Supporting people in need Our activities focus on empowering the Afghan community. We work to empower local communities through bespoke projects that meet their needs. Abad e. V. tries to encourage people with a migration background to take part in development projects in Afghanistan. We advise people, especially in Afghanistan, to help them strengthen themselves. For this we prepare trustworthy information on various topics. Education is the main focus of the organization. We network all experts in various fields and offer educational programs.
Offers: Education
City: Berlin
Website: http://www.abad-berlin.de/

About: Afghan - German Association for Education, Health and Handicrafts e.V.
Offers: Education & Health
City: Berlin
Website: http://afghanev.org/

Afghanistan Forum in Germany
About: The Afghanistan Forum in Germany (AFGiD) e.V. was founded in Leipzig in 2017. The core team of the association consists of a group of committed people and academics who are active in various disciplines and fields of research.
Offers: Social
City: Leipzig
Website: https://afghanistan-forum.de/

bee4change e.V.
About: bee4change was founded at the beginning of 2015 by young adults with an Afghan background in order to make a positive contribution to the further development of society with specially designed social projects. In this context, the non-profit organization based in Hamburg has concentrated since its foundation on supporting refugees, especially from Afghanistan and Syria, in their efforts to integrate. As a team consisting of young people with a wide variety of backgrounds and stories, we stand for a pluralistic and open society. In our largely voluntary work, it is always the most important concern of ours to align all our activities to enable equal opportunities and equal opportunities for needy and disadvantaged groups in society.
Offers: Social & Refuges
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.facebook.com/bee4change

Afghanistan Committee for Peace Reconst.
About: The Afghanistan Committee is a non-profit association for the promotion of education and culture of the Afghanistan
Offers: Education and Culture
City: Berlin
Website: https://www.facebook.com/afghanistankomiteeberlin

About: The association "German-Afghan Friendship Society e.V. Baaham" looks back on 15 years of association history. He was founded in 2006 by Dr. Joachim Sproß, a lawyer who served as a German soldier in Afghanistan. The aim of the association's work was to promote German-Afghan relations. The association reoriented itself in 2020 and Ms. Mitra Hashemi was elected president in the summer. The main focus of the association today is the empowerment of Afghan women and the promotion of equality.
Offers: Womens
City: Berlin
Website: http://www.baaham.de/

About: gafca – German Association for Central Asia e.V. – stands for cultural exchange, information, cooperation and solidarity between Germany and Central Asia. The non-profit association was founded by people with different cultural and professional backgrounds who feel connected to Germany as well as to the countries of Central Asia.
Offers: Culture
City: Berlin
Website: https://www.gafca.org/

About: The non-profit association Omed was founded in 2000 to offer an educational opportunity to Afghan children living in the refugee camps in Pakistan. From 2004 to 2010, Omed supported a training tailor's shop for Afghan women, especially widows, in Kabul. In addition to manual training, the women received legal advice and literacy courses. Since April 2022, Omed has been financing the ASRA orphanage in Kabul. Thanks to our support, ASRA is able to provide over 60 orphans not only with a home, but also with school supplies, food, clothing and medical care. At the beginning of 2023, we equipped the orphanage with a solar system, so that the house is completely independent of the official power grid. In particular, Omed provides girls and young women with the necessary basic education, enables them to receive training and further education and opens up entrepreneurial prospects, e.g. in the skilled trades. We see this as sustainable help for a dignified life. Omed has now expanded its activities to the entire Global South.
Offers: Education
City: Hamburg
Website: https://omed-hope.org/

About: ACGF is a charitable foundation aiming at strengthening the private sector by enhancing access to finance for Afghan micro, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). To this end, ACGF offers credit guarantees and comprehensive technical assistance (TA) to effectively mitigate risks and to build capacity of financial institutions for MSME lending. In 2021, ACGF started direct engagement with MSMEs in Afghanistan with the objective of delivering assistance beyond traditional financial services through the provision of grants, entrepreneurship development and support to start-ups.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Cologne
Website: https://www.acgf.de/

Afghan IPTV
About: Afghan IPTV
Offers: Social & Culture
City: Erftstadt
Website: https://afghaniptv.de/
E-mail: afghaniptv@gmail.com
Afghanische Einheit Kiel e.V.
About: Afghanische Einheit Kiel e.V.
Offers: Social
City: Kiel
Website: https://www.northdata.com/?id=4818650341572608
Afghanistan My Passion
Offers: Social & Culture
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.instagram.com/afghanistanmypassion_/
Afghan Warwick society
About: Our aim is to create an environment where students can learn about Afghan culture and how it can be embraced by people of all nationalities
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.instagram.com/warwickafghansoc/
Walid Barekzai
About: Walid Barekzai
Offers: Social
City: Essen
Website: https://bareksei.de/
About: AINA e. V
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Humburg
Website: https://www.facebook.com/aina.ev/
E-mail: aina-af@gmx.de

Verein für Afghanistan Förderung e.V.
About: Verein für Afghanistan Förderung e.V. (VAF), Bonn / Union Aid for Afghan Development
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Bonn
Website: https://www.facebook.com/BonnVAF/

About: Dissolution of the Association of the Umbrella Association of Afghan Medical Professionals
Offers: Medical
City: Mainz
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AfghanMedizin/

Empor e.V
About: "Step by step into a future worth living" Empor supports civilian reconstruction in Afghanistan. The focus is on providing mine victims and disabled people with orthopaedic aids and the establishment of orthopaedic workshops.
Offers: Medical AID
City: Munich
Website: http://www.afghanempor.com/
Offers: Culture
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.afghanbazarcarpets.com/
E-mail: info@afghanbazarcarpets.com
About: Farsi Dari فارسی دری Translation in: youtube.com/channel/UCC9GNlMcXEJZoxKT6j0ryfg
Offers: Education
City: N/A
Website: https://www.instagram.com/farhangistan.farsi/
Peace for Afghanistan
About: Educated Afghans who are informing, helping and criticizing! Women, children & rights are very important to us!
Offers: Human Rights
City: N/A
Website: https://www.instagram.com/peaceforafghanistan_/

Network of Afghan students and academics
About: This page is intended to facilitate exchanges between Afghan students, academics and prospective students.
Offers: Education
City: Frankfurt
Website: https://www.facebook.com/people/Netzwerk-afghanischer-Studenten-und-Akademiker-in-Deutschland/100077415255527/
EduRef - Education for Refugees
About: We are students and doctoral candidates of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and enthusiastic about programming. We all got to know programming during our studies and also discovered our passion for it through our work at the university. When the refugee crisis began in 2015, we thought we had to get involved. And that's what we did. But unlike many others, we have continued to focus on programming.
Offers: Education
City: Karlsruhe
Website: www.eduref.eu

Deutsch-Afghanische Universitäts-Gesells
About: Deutsch-Afghanische Universitäts-Gesells
Offers: Education
City: Bonn
Website: http://www.daug-online.org/

Afghan Musicians Association e.V.
About: پایگاه نشراتی (بنگاه ) و {گاهنامه} اطلاعاتی وتبلیغاتی
Offers: ART
City: N/A
E-mail: amusicaev@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AfghanMusiciansAssociation/

"Ein Herz für Afghanistan".
About: the association was founded in order to remain connected to Afghanistan, as the emergency situation in the media in Germany is slowly fading again, although it is becoming more and more acute in Afghanistan.
Offers: Humanitarian Aid
City: Munich
Website: https://www.einherzfuerafghanistan.de/

ASIYAH - Gemeinsam Aktiv e.V.
About: Be it with access to food, education, health, independence or social participation – ASIYAH supports those in need of all situations with projects at home and abroad.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Frankfurt
Website: https://asiyah.net/

Patrip Foundation
About: PATRIP – Regional integration and cross-border cooperation in fragile border areas of Afghanistan and West Africa
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Frankfurt
Website: https://patrip.org/
Dr. Safi Foundation
About: OUR MISSION The Dr. Safi Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of solidarity, education, financingand integrationin Afghanistan. The Foundation works to help people in Afghanistan improve their lives and build a better tomorrow through a variety of programs and initiatives.
Offers: Medical
City: Bonn
Website: http://safi-stiftung.de/Dr._Safi.html

About: As a result of Soviet aggression and an imposed war and the resulting political unrest, millions of Afghans were forced to leave their homes. They now live scattered all over the world, often under sad conditions.
Offers: Culture
City: Essen
Website: https://www.abm-essen.de/
Afghanischer Kulturverein
About: Afghanischer Kulturverein Ostwestfalen/Lippe e. V.
Offers: Culture
City: Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock
Website: http://afghanischer-kulturverein-owl.com/
E-mail: info@afghanischer-kulturverein-owl.com
About: The country's infrastructure is almost completely destroyed, and the population is dependent on food supplies from humanitarian organizations. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), the country continues to hold the negative records in the "categories" of child mortality, mine victims or illiteracy. With an average life expectancy of only 46 years, people in Afghanistan die the youngest in the world.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Bonn
E-mail: vafbonn@t-online.de
Website: https://vaf-bonn.de/de_de/

German-Afghanischer Bildungs-
About: German-Afghanischer Bildungs- und Integrationsverein e.V. Berlin
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Berlin
Website: https://www.facebook.com/dabiv2017/

German-Afghan Forum
About: The German-Afghan Forum is a registered association founded in 2017 by migrants in Stuttgart. It was born out of the motivation to build a connection between the two countries and to strengthen it. In order to achieve this goal, the association's statutes stipulate that the association promotes cultural exchange and the integration of Afghans into German society.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Stuttgart
Website: http://daf-ev.com/

Afghan Kinder in not e.V
About: Our association is still in its infancy. Help us grow. Part of our board had to leave Afghanistan 20 years ago due to the political unrest.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: N/A
Website: http://afghanische-kinder.de/

Save The Children
About: Save The Children
Offers: AID
City: N/A
Website: https://www.savethechildren.de/unterstuetzen/nothilfe/spenden-afghanistan/

Visions for Children e.V.
About: Visions for Children e.V. is a non-profit registered association from Hamburg. Our work focuses on the improvement of learning conditions and educational quality at schools in areas of conflict and war zones.
Offers: Education,Integration
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.visions4children.org/
About: Historical, Cultural and Social Quarterly Containing Specific Insights on the Life of Hindu and Sikh Afghans
Offers: Culture
City: N/A
Website: http://www.kabulnath.de/

Afghan Kulture
About: Afghan culture in Germany
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Berlin
Website: https://www.afghan-kultur.de/
Afghan Hindu Kulturverein eV
About: the Afghan Hindu Kulturverein eV was founded on May 13th, 1996 with a few families from Afghanistan in the office of the notary, Mr. Wiegel in Frankfurt am Main, Alte Gasse 38. All of these families were refugees. The goals of the association were and are to cultivate their own culture and to promote integration.
Offers: Culture
City: Frankfurt
E-mail: Jaganat.gardezi@t-online.de
Website: https://www.aasamaimandir.com/

Offers: Education
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.ibhev.de/

About: The association was founded on 13.01.2019 with the aim of presenting and promoting the Afghan language and culture, e.g. such as music and calligraphy, in Germany and using the cultural and musical opportunities for a dialogue in the spirit of friendship between peoples. In particular, children and young people as a whole, including those of Afghan origin, are to be won over to Afghan music and culture as well as language in order to secure them for the future and to further develop them as part of a multicultural community.
Offers: Culture
City: Munich
Website: https://www.farhang-muenchen.de/
About: REFUGEE CENTRE HAMBURG Central Information and Counselling for Refugees gGmbH
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Humburg
Website: https://www.fz-hh.de/de/
Afghanisch-Deutscher Ärzteverein Weimar
About: Medical assistance that transcends geographical, ethnic and religious boundaries.
Offers: Medical
City: Weimar
Website: https://www.afghan-telemedicine.org/
E-mail: info@adav-weimar.de

About: Afghan Refugees Experts Network in Europe (ARENE) is aiming to lead the advocacy initiatives for better protecting the rights of all asylum-seekers and refugees including those from Afghanistan’s origins in Europe and also seeking to interact with the European institutions on building inclusive and fair policies on refugees rights.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: N/A
Website: https://www.facebook.com/areneurope/
Afghan Solar
About: Afghan Solar association
Offers: Culture
City: Hamburg
Website: http://www.afghan-solar.org/
Afghanistan - Hilfe die ankommt e.V."
About: The aid continues unabated. The living conditions for people are becoming more difficult every day. Thanks to the good network, Afghanistan - Hilfe die ankommt e. V. still manages to provide help from Germany to the needy families.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Bad Kreuznach
Website: http://www.afghanistan-hilfe.de/
Ayas Foundation
About: Emergency aid for Afghan children
Offers: Humanitarian aid
City: Altenkirchen
Website: http://www.ayas-stiftung.de/

About: DAAST e.V. is a non-profit association and was founded in June 2009 by students of the Ruhr University Bochum. Free from political, ethnicor religious affiliation, our main objective is to promote german-Afghanfriendship and contribute to long-term development assistance in Afghanistan.
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Bochum
Website: https://daastfb.wixsite.com/daast
Deutsch-Afghanisch Studierende e.V.
About: Deutsch-Afghanisch Studierende e.V./German-Afghan Student Union
Offers: Education
City: Bochum
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/141639069219690/

Al Ehsan-Hilfe in Not e.V.
About: Alehsan-Hilfe in Not is an independent non-governmental organization. The head office is located in Munich. We help those in need who have fallen victim to wars or natural disasters. Millions of people regularly fall victim to wars, natural disasters, crises, poverty or famine.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Munich
Website: https://alehsan-hilfe.org/

About: IAWA ist sehr dankbar, dass durch großzügige Finanzhilfen der Sponsoren und des Bundesministeriums für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit seit 2005 bis heute, für mehr als 14000 afghanische Mädchen und Jungen in der Umgebung der Stadt Kabul Schulen gebaut werden konnten.
Offers: Education
City: Bremen
Website: https://iawa-online.org/
Mrastah e.V.
About: The idea for Mrastah e.V. was born in March 2015, during my trip to Afghanistan. On the streets of Kabul and Jalalabad, I watched tons of children and adolescents spend their whole day there, instead of to be in a school.
Offers: Education
City: Berlin
Website: https://www.mrastah.de/
Refugee Council of Lower Saxony e.V.
About: The Refugee Council of Lower Saxony e.V. is an independent, state-wide human rights organization. We are committed to a refugee policy characterized by openness and humanity and promote a Europe of human rights, refugee protection and solidarity.
Offers: Refugees
City: Hannover
Website: https://www.nds-fluerat.org/ueber-uns/der-fluechtlingsrat/

بنیاد خیریه جوانان افغان در جرمنی دافغان
About: بنیاد خیریه جوانان افغان در جرمنی دافغان زوانانو خیریه بنست په جرمنی کی
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Hannover
Website: https://www.facebook.com/people/%D8%A8%D9%86%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%AF-%D8%AE%DB%8C%D8%B1%DB%8C%D9%87-%D8%AC%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D8%AC%D8%B1%D9%85%D9%86%DB%8C-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%B2%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%88-%D8%AE%DB%8C%D8%B1%DB%8C%D9%87-%D8%A8%D9%86%D8%B3%D8%AA-%D9%BE%D9%87-%D8%AC%D8%B1%D9%85%D9%86%DB%8C-%DA%A9%DB%8C/100047481105175/

Sponsorship Network Afghan Local Forces
About: The members of our sponsorship network have one thing in common: we all feel a responsibility towards the people who have supported, helped and trusted us in Afghanistan.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Berlin
Website: https://www.patenschaftsnetzwerk.de/mitgliederversammlung-2016/

Leipziger Afghanisches Forum e.V. "انجمن
About: Leipziger Afghanisches Forum e.V. "انجمن افغان های لایپزیگ The Leipzig Afghanistan Forum (LAF) was founded in Leipzig at the end of 2016.
Offers: Social
City: Leipzig
Website: https://www.facebook.com/people/Leipziger-Afghanisches-Forum-eV-%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AC%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%86-%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D9%84%D8%A7%DB%8C%D9%BE%D8%B2%DB%8C%DA%AF/100063556750849/
Afghan Hindu Association Kassel eV
About: Afghan Hindu Association Kassel eV
Offers: Culture
City: Kassel
Phone: 0049 0 5543 13 08
Afghan Hindu community in Cologne
About: Afghan Hindu community in Cologne registered association
Offers: Culture
City: Cologne
E-mail: djawa-mi@web.de
Afghan Hindu Culture Club eV
About: Afghan Hindu Culture Club eV 1993 Cologne
Offers: Culture
City: Cologne
E-mail: info@hindutempelkoeln.de
Central Council of Afghan Hindus and Sik
About: Central Council of Afghan Hindus and Sikhs eV
Offers: Culture
City: Frankfurt
E-mail: zrafghanischerhindussikhs@gmail.com
Website: http://www.zahs.eu/
Afghan German Info
About: Afghan German Info
Offers: Social & Migrant
City: Hamburg
Website: https://afghangerman-info.com/

Bakhtar Institute
About: Bakhtar Institue is a non-profit organization established by Subject-Matter Experts to produce evidence-based knowledge and policy information on matters related to Afghanistan and the Afghan diaspora in Europe, through education, research, and advocacy.
Offers: Education
City: N/A
Website: https://bakhtarinstitute.org/
Build up!
About: Out of love for the homeland and the constant desire to help people in need and need. In 2019, the idea of founding our non-profit association was born "BuildUp!". First concepts and ideas were developed and also the first interested parties could be found.
Offers: Cultural & Social
City: Frankfurt
Website: https://buildup-ev.de/

د افغانستان د کلتوري ودې ټولنه
About: Welcome to the official website of The Cultural Development Society of Afghanistan We will share with you about the cultural activities of the Afghan society.
Offers: Cultural & Social
City: Hürth
Website: www.tolana.eu
About: The German-Afghan Refugee Aid Association (DAFV) e.V. was founded in Stuttgart in 1995 by Afghan and German citizens. The association has set itself the task of helping Afghan refugees from Germany in their places of refuge and in the reconstruction of Afghanistan. The association pursues exclusively charitable purposes, is non-partisan and is made up of both Afghans and Germans, regardless of their religious or political affiliation.
Offers: Refugees
City: Stuttgart
Website: https://www.dafv-stuttgart.com/
Offers: Humanitarian & integration
City: Marburg
Website: https://www.idag-verein.de/
Initiative Afghanisches Hilfswerk e.V.
About: The "Initiative Afghanisches Hilfswerk" (IAH) e.V. is a non-profit, Afghan-German association founded in Marburg in 1994.
Offers: Education
City: Hesse
Website: https://iah-ev.de/
Afghan Women's Network
About: Afghan Women's Network Hannover e. V.
Offers: Womens
City: Hannover
Website: http://welt-in-hannover.de/msoguide/orga/portrait.html?id=5f6319de3861374e990002c9&titel=afghanisches-frauennetz-hannover-e-v

About: We help children in Afghanistan. With two clinics and a school in the greater Kabul area. A small contribution to a big goal: a better future for all children in Afghanistan.
Offers: Children
City: Düsseldorf
Website: www.akhd.de

Association for the Protection of Women
About: Association for the Protection of Women of Afghanistan
Offers: Social
City: Hannover
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083426287162

Radio.tv Watan
About: Democracy, peace and solidarity in Afghanistan.
Offers: Culture
City: https://www.facebook.com/radio.tv.watan
E-mail: studiowatanafg@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/radio.tv.watan

Andishai Afghan TV
About: Afghan Andisheh TV Reflects the Thoughts of the Silent Masses of Homeland
Offers: Social
City: N/A
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088360672493
Afghan German Online
About: Afghan German Online
Offers: Social
City: Essen
E-mail: info@afghan-german.de

Kargah e.v
About: Consoling , Education, Culture
Offers: Education , Culture
City: Hannover
E-mail: info@kargah.de
Website: https://neu.kargah.de/pers/bildung/index.html
Kinder brauchen uns e.V.
About: “Children need us” has been coordinating humanitarian aid for children from Afghanistan since 2002 by providing them with free medical care in Germany. During the time they are away from home, they live with host families who are selected and placed by the association. After their stay in Germany, they go back to their home country, back to their families.
Offers: Humanitarian aid for children in need from war and crisis areas
City: Hamburg
E-mail: info@kinder-brauchen-uns.de
Website: www.kinder-brauchen-uns.net

Nader Etmenan Stiftung
About: The Nader Etmenan Foundation is a non-profit civil law foundation that works for people who need help. The foundation implements this help in three areas: integration and diversity, protection and support, and social commitment. The donor is David Etmenan, Chief Executive Officer & Owner of NOVUM Hospitality. More information about the different areas can be found under “Our topics” . We operate both in Germany and abroad.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Hamburg
E-mail: info@nader-etmenan-stiftung.de
Website: https://www.nader-etmenan-stiftung.de/

Afghan Peacemaker
About: Peace, Progress, Safety - in order to reach these aims we have formed our organization
Offers: Social
City: Hamburg
E-mail: info@afghanpeacemaker.de
Website: http://www.afghanpeacemaker.de/english/

Siddiqi Foundation Hilfsorganisation e.V
Offers: Aid organization
City: Hamburg
E-mail: info@siddiqifoundation.de
Website: https://www.siddiqifoundation.de/

Afghanischer Frauenverein e.V.
About: We are a humanitarian aid organization that has been helping people help themselves since 1992.
Offers: Humanitarian Aid
City: Hamburg
E-mail: info@afghanischer-frauenverein.de
Website: https://www.afghanischer-frauenverein.de/

Heela TV
About: The first international Pashto language TV to be launched from Europe.
Offers: Media
City: Koln
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091800660315
Maria's Art Gallery
About: I can express things with color and shapes that I can´t express in any
Offers: ART
City: Humburg
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063489672759

Forum afghanischer Migranten
About: Germany's successful news broadcast for Afghans.
Offers: Media
City: Hamburg
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063981006117

Dresdner Verein Afghanistan e.V.
About: Dresdner Verein Afghanistan e.V. انجمن دریسدن افغانستان
Offers: Culture , Social
City: Dresdner
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064575076671
Mediothek Afghanistan
About: Mediothek Afghanistan was founded in Germany in the year 1993 with the aim of strengthening education in Afghanistan and keeping the Afghan cultural and intellectual heritage alive. Since 1995 the organization has been working within the country, running various schools, especially for girls, and research projects.
Offers: Education
City: N/A
Website: https://mediothek-afghanistan.org/
سیاست افغانستان
About: سیاست افغانستان
Offers: Political
City: Hamburg
E-mail: hamed.zarabi@web.de
Website: https://www.facebook.com/siyasatafghanistan

Afghanen aus ganz Deutschland
About: Afghanen aus ganz Deutschland, Europa herzlich willkommen
Offers: Social,Culture,Education
City: Berlin
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/299864383871460

گروپ آموزش زبان آلمانی برای افغا
About: گروپ آموزش زبان آلمانی برای افغانستانی ها در آلمان
Offers: Integration, Education
City: Bonn
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1713674398811037/?mibextid=gzQNww
Die Afghanische Speise
About: آشپزی هنر است . چقدر هنرمندی ؟
Offers: Culture
City: Frankfurt
Website: https://www.facebook.com/farishtakamal?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Blogfa: http://ferishtaseyid.blogfa.com/