If you cannot find your organization here, please let us know. We are happy to publish additional organizations that offer adult education events in Dari and/or Pashto.
These are the providers of further training courses known to us in:

Afghan Community In Greece
About: د افغانانو ټولنه په یونان کی یوازنی رسمی ټولنه ده چی په یونان کی افغانو لپاره کار کوی
Offers: Social & culture
City: Athens
E-mail: afghancommunityingreece@gmail.com
Website: m.facebook.com/Afghancommunityingreece1/?ref=m.facebook.com&mt_nav=0&paipv=0&eav=AfbKXAluX7QoeB4lOJWJ78GUJAVIJsoKWpmhE0D2E_fLahqKCMTvSCdXUYDh9fu-Q3A
Afghans in Greece افغان ها در یونان
About: Afghans in Greece افغان ها در یونان
Offers: Community
City: Athens
Website: www.facebook.com/groups/213990636442442

Afghan M&R Community in Greece
About: It is the Organization of Afghan Migrants and Refugees in Greece. It is a non profite organization. it's activities are mainly social and cultural. It is about the Afghan migrants and refugees. It publishes their views, ideas, activities and the news about migrants and refugees in Greece. It will describe also the situation in Afghanistan and Greece.
Offers: Community
City: Athens
E-mail: afghansingreece@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/Afghans.inGreece/
Afghan Diaspora Hub
Offers: Cultural & Social
City: Athens
E-mail: afgdiasporahub@gmail.com
Website: www.afgdiasporahub.com

Melissa Network
About: Melissa is a network for migrant and refugee women living in Greece. It aims to promote empowerment and active citizenship, to create and sustain bonds, and to build a bridge of communication with the host society. Founded in September 2014 with the direct involvement of migrant women leaders, it has members from 45 countries who live and work in Greece. It operates on the basis of a common platform, a hub where networks and individuals can meet, share their concerns and ideas, and support each other in the pursuit of their common goals.
Offers: Womens & Culture
City: Athens
E-mail: info@melissanetwork.org
Website: melissanetwork.org

About: The Greek Forum of Refugees is a non-profit association consisting of refugee and migrant communities, individuals and professionals working all together to support and empower asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and stateless persons. The association was founded in Athens in 2013, in order to function as a reference organization, both for the refugee communities and for the refugees who wish to address collectively and in an organized manner their requests to the State, but also to the host society.
Offers: Refugees
City: Athens
E-mail: info@refugees.gr
Website: www.refugees.gr

Community of Afghan Migrants and Refugee
About: Community of Afghan Migrants and Refugee
Offers: Community
City: Athens
Website: www.migrant.gr/cgi-bin/pages/index.pl?arlang=greek&argenkat=ΕΡΓΑ%20ΚΑΙ%20ΔΡΑΣΕΙΣ%20-%20ΝΕΟΣ%20ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ&arcode=180329125937&type=article
E-mail: info@migrant.gr

Open Cultural Center
About: We are a non-profit organisation active in Spain and Greece. Together with our volunteers we work to support the refugee & migrant community. All our work is carried out in close collaboration with our local and international partners.
Offers: Culture
City: Polikastro
E-mail: info@openculturalcenter.org
Website: www.openculturalcenter.org
Greek Network for the Right to Housing
About: Decent housing is a basic need and a social
Offers: Social
City: Athens
Website: www.greekhousingnetwork.org
About: TMDD is a transatlantic network of diverse migrant and refugee leaders. We work to strengthen democracies by collectively building powerful movements and communities.
Offers: Refugees
City: Athens
Website: www.tmdd.info
About: RISE – Refugees Ideas and Solutions for Europe – is a network created in 2016, led by refugee communities, organisations and individuals in different European countries. RISE has today 22 network members from 14 different countries. RISE represents the authentic voices of refugees, where refugees campaign for themselves. Through various actions, its overall aim revolves around contributing to make refugees full members of their society – in which they are not only actively involved, but also recognized as knowledgeable, skilled and experienced people.
Offers: Refugees
City: Athens
E-mail: rise@refugees.gr
Website: risenetwork.eu