If you cannot find your organization here, please let us know. We are happy to publish additional organizations that offer adult education events in Dari and/or Pashto.
The following information is freely available. They have been collected by us and taken over without change. All organizations have been informed by us. If you no longer agree to publication on this platform, please let us know. Your organization will then be removed by us. Please also inform us if you discover incorrect information on our platform.
These are the providers of further training courses known to us in:

About: MCAN is a volunteering initiative, consisting of a multidisciplinary group of medical doctors and academics living in the Netherlands.
Offers: Medical
City: Utrecht
Email: Info@mcan.nu
Website: https://www.mcan.nu/

Uvavin اتحادیهء انجمنهای افغانها در هالن
About: اتحادیهء انجمنهای افغانها در هالند
Offers: Social,Cultural
City: Arnhem
Email: wshapour@hotmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/people/Uvavin-%D8%A7%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%AF%DB%8C%D9%87%D8%A1-%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AC%D9%85%D9%86%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%BA%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%87%D8%A7-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%AF/100076305458602/

About: Forum Afghan Jurists Resident in Europe on May 11 , 2009 Participation of seven Leadership Council members and Chairman of the Supervisory Commission Prof. Dr. Ghulam Sakhi Isaoun Chairman of the Association convened a meeting to Liaison of Association Constitution, Establishment of Departments, Preparation of Symbols, Determination of Right Membership and the creation of a website and its name, future work plan of the Leadership Council He discussed other issues and made the following decisions: The Constitution of the Afghan Law Society Resident of Europe, adopted by Principa at the General Assembly meeting of 28 February 2009 in Hamburg, to amend and complete the statute of the Committee Five people were assigned to the Leadership Council after correction and completion. Affirmation. The Leadership Council after a dispute The Constitution was approved by the unanimous vote at the meeting. and assigned to the Executive Committee to Translation of the Articles of Association into different European Languages, Registration and Registration Action. By Item 2nd Article 23 Statutes of membership of Vahideh Vahdat in the Leadership Council and Membership of the Honorable Abdul Fahim Qayoumi at the Oversight Commission Ratio of Absence of Meetings and Lack of Expression Cooperation in the Editorial Board, until the General Assembly meeting in a manner The suspension was placed. and honorable Gholam Sakhi Samim as a member Leadership Council and Mr. Kaveh Kavian on behalf of young lawyers which was also presented at the General Assembly as a consultative member of the Leadership Council They were determined. Forward Current Affairs of the Association of Departments (International Relations), (Organizations), (Publications) (Studies) Knowledge, Guidance, and Guidance Various sectors were considered، including asylum and anti-immigration. For the advancement of departments' affairs Abdolhadi Abouy, Samim, Mohammad Akbar, Mohammad Rasool, Shirin Afzal Sadat, Dehzad, Waseq and Gul Ahmad were assigned to work together with the others. Honorable jurists complete and enrich the affairs of each department according to the discipline Their expertise and experience will take action.
Offers: Social
City: Helmond
Email: lailashirin1@gmx.de
Website: http://hoqooq.eu/

Afghan Association
Offers: Social & Cultural
City Arhnem
Website: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100081697090599&eav=AfYZayE6c3Rt4rqfGyi9mM97hrUM3UoLaaFNAQWnOxpJ0PZta5x6yg8yjkW9m8ct3Fc&paipv=0
About: “Gaining knowledge is the first step to wisdom, sharing it is the first step to humanity. | Culture| History|Facts|Tradition|Literature|Art
Offers: Culture/Education
Website: https://www.instagram.com/afghaninsight/

Stichting KEIHAN
About: The KEIHAN Foundation is an Afghan-Dutch foundation, founded in 2005 by a group of Afghan students who wanted to be of significance to the Afghan community in the Netherlands in an organized way. They wanted to build a bridge between the Netherlands and Afghanistan, in order to successfully integrate the Afghan community within the Netherlands. Since 2005, the KEIHAN Foundation has grown into one of the most active organizations within the Afghan community in the Netherlands.
Offers: Integration
City: Leiden
E-mail: info@keihan.org
Website: https://www.keihan.org/

Offers: Social
City: Amsterdam
E-Mail: rahmatimoharamali@gmail.com
Website: https://www.oostende.be/omid-e-maihan
FAROE Committee for Asylum Affairs
About: FAROE Committee for Asylum Affairs
Offers: Social/Culture
City: Heerlen
Email: alidaliry@hotmail.com
Coordination Council for Afghans
About: Coordination Council for Afghans
Offers: Social/Culture
City: Beverwijk
Email: Ahmadi91@zonnet.nl
Solidarity Afghanistan
About: Solidarity Afghanistan
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Heerlen
Email: info@StichtingSCAN.com
Afghan Cultural Association
About: Afghan Cultural Association
Offers: Cultural
City: Zwolle
Email: ajansherzad@gmail.com
Assos. or Academician & students
About: Assos. or Academician & students
Offers: Education
City: Zoetermeer
Email: ver_assin@yahoo.com
Takrim Social Foundation
About: Takrim Social Foundation
Offers: Social
City: Rotterdam
Email: vaan@yahoo.com
Afghan Human Rights Group
About: Afghan Human Rights Group
Offers: Human Rights
City: Uitrecht
Email: ahrg_nl@yahoo.com
Kans4You Foundation
About: We are a committed multicultural group of people of diverse origins, Afghan Dutch, Polish Dutch, Surinamese Dutch and Dutch. We believe in the added value of different cultures and a multicultural society. We want to work for Afghanistan, but also for other countries where help is needed. With the aim of improving the quality of life of the people of Afghanistan, we would like to provide development assistance. Our foundation has a wide variety of backgrounds: from general practitioners, engineers, civil servants to students. We are convinced that every person can make a positive contribution.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Almere
Email: info@kans4you.eu
Website: http://www.kans4you.eu/
Institute New Afghanistan
About: Instetut New Afghanistan
Offers: Education
City: Amsterdam
Email: qurishi@gmail.com
FAROE Committee for Human Rights
About: FAROE Committee for Human Rights
Offers: Human Rights
City: Leiden
Email: arfaquiri@gmail.com
Afghan Cultural Centre
About: Afghan Cultural Centre
Offers: Culture
City: Emmeloord
Email: gholamyari@hotmail.com
Association of Afghans
About: Association of Afghans
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Amsterdam
Email: i.kazemi@hotmail.com
Afghan Cultural Association
About: Afghan Cultural Association
Offers: Culture
City: Waddinxveen
Email: samadqader@hotmail.com
Ass. or Afghan Engineers & techn. in Eu
About: Association or Afghan Engineers & techno. in Eu
Offers: Education
City: Uitrecht
Email: parwinsarabi@yahoo.com
Loi Nangarhar Association
About: Loi Nangarhar Association
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Leiden
E-mail: chaparhar@live.nl
Ibn-Sina Foundation
About: Ibn-Sina Foundation
Offers: Foundation
City: Leiden
E-mail: parwinsarabi@yahoo.com
FAROE Committee for Culture
About: FAROE Committee for Culture
Offers: Culture
City: Delft
E-mail: mfarhoed@hotmail.com
National Association of Afghan Youth
About: National Association of Afghan Youth
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Delft
E-mail: farhoednaim@hotmail.com
Pamir North Holland
About: Pamir North Holland
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Hoofddorp
E-mail: rahim.n@pamironline.eu
Association of Afghan artists
About: Association of Afghan artists
Offers: Social&Art
City: Maarsen
Phone: +31616815018
Humanitarian aid to Afghanistan
About: Humanitarian aid to Afghanistan
Offers: Humanitarian AID
City: Groningen
E-mail: Azim_nazir1@yahoo.com
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Amsfoort
E-mail: kuperssingel@gmail.com
Fayaz Foundation
About: ecessity of a human rights organization in exile The preamble of the Statues answers this question: “International human rights organisations work hard to report on the different dimensions of the human rights crisis in Afghanistan. These reports play an important role in attracting the attention of the public opinion World-wide to ongoing violations in the country.
Offers: Human Rights
City: Leiden
E-mail: info@fayazfoundation.com
Website: www.fayazfoundation.com
Kohandezh Assosetion
About: Kohandezh Assosetion
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Delft
E-mail: selablaou@gmail.com
Afghanistan center for civil society
About: Afghanistan center for civil society
Offers: Social
City: Bergen op Zoom
E-mail: Sn_wahdat@hotmail.com
Foundation Support Afghanistan
About: Foundation Support Afghanistan
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Zeewoulde
E-mail: hshirzad@hotmmail.com
About: (Afghancaado)
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: The Hague
E-mail: walilahou1945@gmail.com
Ass. or poets & writers in Eur. (ENSHA)
About: Ass. or poets & writers in Eur. (ENSHA)
Offers: Education
City: Utrecht
E-mail: neghat_d@hotmail.com
Ass. or Afghan Women Bibi Mahro
About: Ass. or Afghan Women Bibi Mahro
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: The Hague
E-mail: lonawali67@hotmail.com
Association of Afghan women
About: Association of Afghan women
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Leiden
E-mail: vav_rib@yahoo.com
Women Group Rotterdam
About: Women Group Rotterdam
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Rotterdam
E-mail: t.nemad@hotmail.com
Shafiq Kakkar
About: Shafiq Kakkar afghan artist in Netherlands
Offers: ART
City: eindhoven
Website: https://vanabbemuseum.nl/en/programme/programme/the-living-room-2/index.html

SCAN Foundation
About: About us: We are a number of Afghans and Dutch, especially in the province of Limburg, who are involved in the situation in Afghanistan and who want to commit themselves to the reconstruction of Afghanistan. We have no political objectives and do not pretend to be a national representation of Afghans living in the Netherlands.
Offers: Foundation
City: Limburg
Website: https://stichtingscan.com/
Baba Center
About: Baba Center Afghan Culture
Offers: Culture
City: N/A
Website: https://babacenter.nl/
Afghan+Islam+Politics+The Netherlands
About: Afghan+Islam+Politics+The Netherlands
Offers: Culture
City: N/A
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AIPTN/
Afghan Time
About: We connect the best workers with the best Dutch companies. If you are looking for a job in the Netherlands, then feel free to apply and you will receive the latest job positions.
Offers: Culture
City: Amsterdam
Website: https://www.omniwerk.nl/?fbclid=IwAR2Rthqe2yRl6VXf6llH7C2fMLgWhL7mP1Ufwl31q8gaXqccitVjaLvOuGM
E-mail: info@omniwerk.nl

Stichting Nawien
About: The Nawien Foundation has been committed to Afghanistan for years. For Afghans with a low socioeconomic status, the Nawien Foundation sets up sustainable projects. The aim of these projects is always to contribute to a better future or to offer them a future perspective at all. Think of a school class for children, various courses for girls and women and the provision of employment for young men and women so that their own income can be realized. We also provide Afghans with their basic services, for example by means of food parcels in winter time and in emergency situations such as the corona pandemic or the enormous unemployment in the country due to the change of power. We believe that together we can make a difference, and you can contribute to that too. From as little as 4 euros per month you can contribute to our sustainable projects, but a one-time donation is of course also very welcome.
Offers: Foundation
City: Veenendaal
E-mail: Info@nawien.org
Website: https://nawien.org/

About: WORKING IN AND ON FRAGILITY We stand with those who are hit hardest by poverty and conflict. We support them in their struggle to move beyond survival and to fully participate in equitable and resilient societies.
Offers: Women
City: Hague
E-mail: info@cordaid.org
Website: https://www.cordaid.org/en/

About: In short – we create pathways. Pathways that give youth the tools they need to succeed in regions affected by conflict, climate crisis, and displacement. New ways to empower students and entrepreneurs to study, work and grow their own businesses. We do so through our four pillars.
Offers: Cultural & Social
City: Amsterdam
E-mail: spark@spark-online.org
Website: https://spark.ngo/programmes/
De Culturele Stichting van Afghanse Hind
About: De Culturele Stichting van Afghanse Hindoes in Nederland
Offers: Culture
City: Amsterdam
E-mail: info@asamai.nl
Federation of Afghan Resident
About: Federation of Afghan Resident Organizations in Europe (FAROE)فدراسـیون سازمانهای افغان های مقیم اروپا
Offers: Social & Culture
City: Leiden
Website: https://afghanfederation.com/
E-mail: generalsecretariat@faroe.info
Salaam Tolana
About: Salaam Tolana
Offers: Culture
City: Hague
Website: http://www.salaamtolana.org/

Afghan super sixers
About: Afghan Super Sixers is defined as group of young passionate and super talented cricketers in NL
Offers: Sport
City: Amsterdam
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011547581526
Afghan Cultural Association in Nederland
About: Afghan Cultural Association in Nederland
Offers: Culture
City: Amsterdam
E-mail: Abdullah.ehsan@gmail.com

About: Pamir strives for full participation of Afghans in all facets of Dutch society
Offers: Social & Culture
City: Amsterdam
E-mail: stg.pamir@gmail.com
Website: www.pamironline.eu

Offers: Social & Cultural
City: N/A
E-Mail: abdullah.ehsan@gmail.com
Website: https://larawbar.net/