If you cannot find your organization here, please let us know. We are happy to publish additional organizations that offer adult education events in Dari and/or Pashto.
These are the providers of further training courses known to us in:

Afghanska Föreningen i Sverige
About: The Afghan Association in Sweden (AFS) is a non-profit, democratic, voluntary organization.
Offers: Culture
City: Stockholm
Website: https://afghanskaforeningen.se/
E-mail: info@afghanskaforeningen.se

Afghanska Föreningen i Örebro
About: The Afghan Association in Örebro was founded in 2015. This association runs its educations and programs with financial support from Örebro municipality and the European Union's Erasmus program. This association is independent, not-for-profit and free from any political, linguistic or religious bias.
Offers: Culture
City: Örebro
E-mail: afghanskaforeningen1@gmail.com
website afghanskaforeningen.wordpress.com

Ariana KIF
About: The association was registered in 2000 by Afghans who had come to Sweden in the 80s and 90s. We had a small room at Herrgården in Rosengård where the members had it as a meeting point. In the club room we had various activities for children such as table tennis and video games. The association left its premises on Von Rosensväg in the summer of 2017 and moved to Cronmans väg 3A for a larger venue. There, the association has member meetings and runs various study circles.
Offers: Social & Culture and Sports
City: Malmao
E-mail: aa.kulturforening@gmail.com
Website: aakulturforening.wixsite.com/ariana

Kodakan Afghan
About: KODAKAN is a publishing Group started 2002 by a number of teacher, publisher and educational software developer in Stockholm, Sweden. KODAKAN have managed to publish more than 60 language learning books, story books for children, grammar book, interactive educational software and games etc . in Dari & Pashto languages for different levels and ages.
Offers: Education
City: Stockholm
E-mail: info@kodakan.se
Website: www.kodakan.se
Afghanska FC
About: An afghan Football Team Based in Herrar city Sweden .
Offers: Sport
City: Herrar
E-mail: sakhi_rahimi@live.com
Website: www.laget.se/AfghanskaFC-SeniorlagHerrar/

Elastico FC
About: Afghans Futsal Team Based in KB Hallen
Offers: Sport
City: KB hallen
Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057312827077

Afghanska Kulturella Show
About: Afghan culture associations for afghan kulture shows
Offers: Culture
City: Stockholm
Website: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068940076886
Bamiyan Cultural Centre
About: The Bamiyan Cultural Centre is a multi-purpose cultural complex, which aims to promote cross-cultural understanding as tools for sustainable development.
Offers: Culture
City: Stockholm
Website: http://www.bamiyanculturalcentre.org/ www.facebook.com/bamiyanculturalcentre/

Azad Afghan
About: We only know that we are Afghans nothing more than that.
Offers: Culture
City: Gothenburg
Website: www.facebook.com/Azadafghan01

Sundsvalls Afghanistankommitté
About: Sundsvalls Afghanistankommitté - en lokalförening inom Svenska Afghanistankommittén.
Offers: Culture
City: Sundsvalls
E-mail: ake_j@telia.com
Website: www.facebook.com/sundsvallsafghanistankommitte/

Shahmama and Salsal National Association
About: Shahmama and Salsal National Association is a non-profit and non-partisan union comprised of many associations from across Sweden dedicated to improve human/minority rights situations in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran.
Offers: Culture
City: Stockholm
E-mail: shahmama.salsal@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/ShahmamaSalsalSweden/
Vårens kulturfestivl i Västra Sverige
About: The Iranian Riksförbundet Väster comprises about 40 associations, and of these associations, among others, the following associations are partners: Education Center Iran, Iranian Research Center, Damavand Cultural Association, Afghan Association Maihan, Azerbaijan-Iranian Friendship Association. ABF Gothenburg and the Kurdish Committee, which includes 20 associations, will cooperate with the project as well
Offers: Culture
City: Gothenburg
Website: www.researchweb.org/is/vgrutveckling/ansokan/24411

Fanos Förening
About: Fanos Förening is an association founded in the Gothenburg region. The word "Fanos" means light source or guiding lantern, which in this context is a symbol of guidance and development. Fanos Förening is built on democratic foundations and is open to everyone. Fanos is a young association and was founded in August 2012.
Offers: Community for young Generation
City: Gothenburg
E-mail: info@fanos.se
Website: m.facebook.com/anjumani.fanos/?paipv=0&eav=AfaiT5tIjEybOIYJ_Ux0tQuZajZGIqXnLnPz8FN09uKuw0-oVnvtiP36JAvW36haCoA

Swedish Committee for Afghanistan
About: The Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA) was founded in Stockholm, Sweden in 1980 and is working in Afghanistan since 1982. The work encompasses programmes for education, health, support to persons with disabilities and rural development. There are also support units for all programme activities relating to civil society, human rights & gender and communications. Moreover, SCA implements Area Based Approach to Development Emergency Initiatives (ABADEI) project that supports the country's long-term development and the Afghan people's livelihood opportunities. SCA has more than 7.400 employees, of whom more than 99 % are Afghans. SCA’s main target group is the rural population, specifically women and girls. Operations include capacity development, advocacy and service delivery. The work is always conducted in close cooperation with the local population. The management office is situated in Kabul, while operations are carried out in 19 provinces from five regional offices and three liasion offices.
Offers: Education
City: Stockholm
E-mail: info@sca.org.af
Website: www.swedishcommittee.org

Radio Sweden Farsi/Dari
About: Radio Dari/Farsi in sweden
Offers: Social
City: Stockholm
E-mail: programnamn@sverigesradio.se
Website: sverigesradio.se/radioswedenfarsidari
Integration i Varberg
About: fighting for integration. We be together. Think of each other and help each other.
Offers: Culture
City: Varberg
Website: www.facebook.com/jebranshamalvarberg

Varbergs kommun
About: For migrants integration culture
Offers: Culture & Social
City: Varberg
E-mail: lotta.olanya@varberg.se
Website: varberg.se/omsorgstod/invandringochintegration.4.73524e2413e64b1dd111ec0.html#

Gull Bahar / Nätverket för afghanska vän
About: Welcome to the network Gull Bahar and welcome to my home country, Sweden. The purpose of this network is to together create a community where we help each other enjoy life and solve its problems. Life is full of difficulties but together we are strong. I would also like to take this opportunity to be firm about the networks rules and ethical values. As a member of Gul e Bahar we respect and recognize all belief systems, sexual orientation and ethnic origins but we do not tolerate any form of religious or political propaganda.
Offers: Culture & Social
City: Halmstad
E-mail: gullbaharhalmstad@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/gullbaharhalmstad/
Offers: Culture
City: Vimmerby
E-mail: hej@allabolag.se
Website: www.allabolag.se/8024683206/adresser

Voice of Gharjistan
About: we work for justice , freedom, Humanity
Offers: Humantarian
City: Stockholm
E-mail: ismailsarwari@yahoo.com
Website: www.facebook.com/voiceofgharjistan

Asian Kulturhuset
About: Asia Culture and Art Organization aka Asia Culture House is a dynamic non-profit organization. We envision a peaceful and inclusive society where all men and women of all ethnicities have access to justice and the right to live a dignified life. We reach out to the most vulnerable communities and social groups, providing emergency support, advocating for change and development, and raising public awareness. We also support artists, critical thinkers, and cultural organizations in spaces where freedom of artistic expression is restricted by conflict, poverty, repression, marginalization, or taboos. We believe that culture is a driver and an enabler of sustainable development. Culture promotes explicit inclusion of targets and indicators for culture in the Sustainable Development Goals will enable transformative change. Annually, we award individuals for their outstanding achievements in the fields of culture and development.
Offers: Culture
City: Hasselby
Website: asiankulturhuset.org

Afghan Documentary Film Festival
About: ADFF is an International Afghan Documentary Film Festival in Sweden, with films from around Afghanis
Offers: Films
City: Hässelby
E-mail: basirseerat@gmail.com
Website: afghandocumentaryfilmfestival.com

World Hazara Council Sweden
About: World Hazara Council exists to work towards the following priorities: 1. To establish a worldwide platform for Hazara solidarity and a point of contact for consultation and assistance. 2. To work on human rights issues concerning Hazaras across Afghanistan. 3. To advocate and lobby for better protection for all refugees and people seeking asylum from Afghanistan in the Asia Pacific region and beyond. 4. To establish a think tank for members to engage in research and to promote social mobility for Hazara communities across the world.
Offers: Culture & Social
City: Gothenburg
Website: https://www.facebook.com/YourWorldHazaraCouncil/
E-mail: worldhazaracouncil@gmail.com
Hazara International
About: Organized by Shahmama and Salsal National Association, Sweden. Working language: English, Dari, Swedish and Urdu
Offers: Cultural
City: Gothenburg
Website: www.hazarainternational.com/2012/11/19/gothenburg-sweden-conference-hazara-genocide-in-pakistan-challenges-and-solutions/
Svea konsultia
About: شرکت ما با چندین پرونده مثبت اقامت کاری در ماه در خدمت شما است تا به زودترین فرصت اقامت کاری شما رامهیا سازد
Offers: Consulting
City: Solna torg
E-mail: info@sveakonsultia.se
Website: www.sveakonsultia.se
FAROE Contact Committee Afghanistan
About: Humantirian , Cultural
Offers: Culture
City: Gothenburg
E-mail: djallalzada.wais@hotmail.com

Afghansk Kulture
About: Afghan Cultural Association has had operations in Malmö since the mid-1980s and was founded by the first Afghans who fled the war in Afghanistan and settled in Sweden.
Offers: Social & Cutural
City: Malmao
E-mail: info@afghankf.se
Website: www.afghankf.se

About: Afghan Association in Sweden
Offers: Social & Cutural
City: Stockholm
E-mail: saharmnasim@gmail.com
Website: afghanha.se

Afghan Women's Org
About: Afghan women's organization aims to pursue ideal activities in the form of women's activities based on intersectional and anti-racist perspectives. As well as being active in women's rights In other parts of the world. We must contribute to integration into the Swedish society of our new countrymen and women. The organization is aimed at people of all ages, regardless of background. The organization will actively work to counter integration issues, inclusion between different peoples, has an aim for an equal and equal society, in which all people have equal rights to equal opportunities, equal opportunities, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion as well as class. Equal society is not a society based on tolerance for differences but on inclusion and gender equality. A society in which everyone has the right and the ability to define himself as one wants to be. A society that defends democracy and diversity with everyone's equal value as a starting point, and where discriminatory and exclusive structures are identified and challenged. Women and girls with a foreign background through our organization will receive help and support as well as guidance for entering Swedish society. Their voices and power are not only important but are necessary. To achieve all the above mentioned goals are needed. Integration is not just a process but also a goal. Common values, equal living conditions and participation in social society are considered to be important elements of integration. We have more focus on these points in our Org.
Offers: Social & Cutural
City: Stockholm
E-mail: Jabarkhilspogmai3@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/Afgwomens/

Afghan Culture
About: Afghan Culture facebook page publish the video of celebrating national feast days, and particularly weddings, by public dancing and religus day like Eid. We want to promote the Afghan culture and show the Afghan clutre to all over the world.
Offers: Cultural
City: Stockholm
E-mail: afghanculture02@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/AfghanCulture/

About: ʜᴏᴍᴇʟᴀɴᴅ ɪꜱ ᴍʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ - ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀᴛʀɪᴏᴛꜱ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍʏ ꜱᴏᴜʟ AfghanHope Charity Foundation
Offers: Foundation
City: Malmao
Website: www.instagram.com/afghanizm/?hl=en
نیازمندی های افغان های مقیم سوئد
About: Humantirian
Offers: Humantirian
City: Ronnebybrunn
Website: www.facebook.com/groups/710245326041917/
گروپ نیازمندیهای افغان ها مقیم سویدن
About: منظور از ایجاد کردن این گروپ فقط اطلاع رسانی و کمک کردن به هموطنان افغانستانی ما و دوستان فارسی زبان در سراسر سویدن است مثلآ کرایه دادن خانه، شغل و غیره.
Offers: Social
City: Stockholm
Website: www.facebook.com/groups/626829258208782/
Offers: Social & Cultural
City: Orebro
Website: www.facebook.com/places/Things-to-do-in-Orebro-Sweden/110611878960213/
The European Network of NGOs in Afghanis
About: he objective of ENNA is to collaborate on matters of mutual interest to support the people in Afghanistan, maintain Afghanistan on the international political agenda, strengthen and improve humanitarian assistance and development efforts in Afghanistan, by means of evidence based advocacy.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Stockholm
E-mail: info@sak.se
Website: www.ennanet.eu

Afghanistan Sida
About: The Taliban takeover in August 2021 drastically changed the conditions for aid in Afghanistan. The country is facing economic collapse and a humanitarian crisis. Sida continues to support the Afghan people without direct cooperation with the Afghan state. Sida is Sweden’s government agency for development cooperation. Get an insight into how we are governed and organised.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Sundbyberg
E-mail: sida@sida.se
Website: www.sida.se/en/sidas-international-work/countries-and-regions/afghanistan
Bureau for Rights-based Development
About: Since its inception in 2002, BRD is operating in Afghanistan and still has strong presence in the country. In response to the current humanitarian crises in Afghanistan, we are committed and fully engaged within the limits of our own resources. so we need your support.
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Stockholm
E-mail: info@brd-org.se
Website: www.brd-org.se

Saba Entertainment
About: New thinking and new ideas of events. Feel the beat with us
Offers: Entertainment
City: Gothenburg
Website: www.facebook.com/saba.ent/about
Anders Fänge lectures on THE HISTORY,
About: Anders has worked with Afghanistan since the early 1980s, mostly as country manager for the Swedish Afghanistan Committee, but also as a journalist and for the UN. He has contributed to several books and written a large number of articles about Afghanistan and has been a member of the Swedish Afghanistan Committee's board since 2011.
Offers: Cultural & Social
City: Viken
Website: http://www.andersfange.se/

The Expert Group for Aid Studies
About: Working Paper: Punching Above Its Weight or Running With the Crowd? Lessons From Sweden’s Development Cooperation With Afghanistan, 2002–2020
Offers: Cultural & Social
City: Stockholm
E-mail: ud.eba@gov.se
Website: eba.se/en/seminars/swedish-aid-to-afghanistan-what-are-the-lessons-learned/

کانون فرهنگی-اجتماعی آریانا مقیم شهر آمی
About: کانون فرهنگی-اجتماعی آریانا مقیم شهر آمیو ، سویدن یک نهاد مستقل و بدون وابسته به کدام حزب و جریان سیاسی است.
Offers: Social, Cultural
City: Umeå
E-mail: askf.umea@gmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/ASKFIU/?ref=page_internal
Salsa Committee Sweden
About: Anyone interested in Salsal Förbund in Sweden can be admitted as a member. Members pay an annual fee (100 SEK for individuals, 180 SEK for families. The members have the right to full insight into the association's activities, the right to participate in all the union's meetings and other activities and have the right to full opinions and proposals at the annual meeting.
Offers: Social, Integration, Culture
City: Malmo
E-mail: ali.habibi@salsal.se
Website: http://www.salsal.se/medlemskap-online/
Pashto Sweden
About: pashto Sweden
Offers: Culture
City: Stockholm
E-mail: abed_salim@hotmail.com
Website: http://pashto.se/

Kvinner for Endring
About: Women for Change is a non-profit organization that works for integration and inclusion.
Offers: Integration
City: Trondheim
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Kvinnerforendring?paipv=0&eav=AfZtBPZsm11_pNzjt0-f5UxywjlUk4oFxzfTL9XdHUbMo3nrolhqtxPeKE_3BmeIwPI&_rdr
E-mail: Post@nakfe.no

Farda Cultural Club
About: ــردا صفحه ايست انتقادی، اجتماعی و فرهنگی
Offers: Social & Culture
City: Stockholm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FardaCulturalClub
Website: https://literaryfestival.farda.se/
Malmo tv
About: Malmo TV's Pashto Facebook page features the world's latest news، interviews، videos، writings، reader comments and more.
Offers: Social
City: Malmo
Website: https://www.facebook.com/Malmo-tv-590456154430400/
E-mail: malmo_tv@hotmail.com
Afghan Association on Gotland
About: Afghan Association on Gotland
Offers: Culture
City: Gotland
Website: https://www.facebook.com/afghanska1

Ariana FC
About: Ariana FC started 2015 and joined the Swedish league first time 2016. More information about our club can be found on our website.
Offers: Sport
City: Malmo
Website: http://www.arianafc.com/
E-mail: info@arianafc.com

Afghanska Kulturföreningen
About: The Afghan Cultural Association of Borussia is a place for cultural expansion
Offers: Culture
City: Borås
Website: https://www.facebook.com/AfghanskaKulturforeningenIBoras
E-mail: akf.boras@gmail.com

Afghan Cultural Association-Mitt Dalarna
About: We at Afghanska kultur föreningen-Mitt Dalarna help all Afghan especially children and women
Offers: Humanitarian
City: Leksands-Noret
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079893860143
E-mail: akmd.se@gmail.com

بابر كلتورى انجمنی
About: بابر كلتورى انجمنی
Offers: Culture
City: Stockholm
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100024638103338
Salam Afghan
About: row of four men sitting on mountain trail چشم انداز ما ما متعهد به ارائه منابع و پشتیبانی برای افغانها هستیم که به دنبال کاریابی، کمک حقوقی و تخفیفات برای محصولات هستند. هدف ما ایجاد یک محیط پذیرایی و شامل برای همه اعضای جامعه افغانی است. در وبسایت ما، شما میتوانید آگهیهای شغلی، راهنماها برای مراقبت از بازار کار و اطلاعات درباره حقوق و خدمات حقوقی را پیدا کنید. ما همچنین تخفیفاتی را برای محصولات مختلف از جمله مواد غذایی و الکترونیکی ارائه میدهیم تا به شما کمک کنیم که پول صرفهجویی کنید و از منابع خود بهرهبرداری کنید. هدف ما ارائه یک مجموعه جامع از خدمات برای پاسخگویی به نیازهای شما است.
Offers: Culture
City: Stockholm
E-mail: info@salamafghan.se
Website: https://salamafghan.se/fas
Afghanska Förening Boden
About: Afghanska Förening Boden
Offers: Culture
City: Boden
Website: https://www.facebook.com/mujtaba.faizi.7739

Afghanska Kulturföreningen Västerås
About: Afghanska Kulturföreningen Västerås - انجمن فرهنگی افغانهای وستروس
Offers: Culture
City: Västerås
E-mail: info.afghanska@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/afghanska.vasteras?paipv=0&eav=AfZhrKLOdJT7H2S9Mi3ranlo7hyvb3ZxVFcg_QoJ84m4IF6oiIuqxQkpJtKkGFIqbJk&_rdr

نهاد برابری اجتماعی WSEO
About: نهاد برابری اجتماعی WSEO
Offers: Social
City: Stockholm
Website: https://www.facebook.com/WomenSocialEquality

Ensamkommandes Riksförbund
About: Ensamkommandes Riksförbund är en paraplyorganisation som just nu består av 14 lokalföreningar
Offers: Refugees
City: Malmö
Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064502359596

Afghanska Kulturförening i Karlstad
About: Culture , Social Association in Karlstad Sweden
Offers: Culture
City: Karlstad
Website: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064861773351&eav=AfZVu1kqgCmAtOQcE3kK6jzEgqCRUez1EfbJAZGSLzPJhfKrPIexDukMW41ArMbpmnk&refid=52&__tn__=C-R&paipv=0

Akram Osman's Literary Festival
About: FARDA Cultural Club is organizing the literary festival of short stories, called Akram Osman Literar
Offers: Education, Culture
City: Stockholm
E-mail: literaryfestival@farda.se
Website: https://literaryfestival.farda.se/

Svea Konsultia
About: Consulting , Social, Culture
Offers: Social
City: Solna
E-mail: zaki@sveakonsultia.se
Website: https://m.facebook.com/svea.konsulti?eav=AfYc3BX8rpprKswEX9mUR_67EEkg3NwMAOf1HTWqdcjlbMvA2KOFGtMxmXu3l_5FMR4&paipv=0

International Afghan Enlightened women
About: Our mission is to provide a program of transformative formal and informal learning, leisure, and well-being experiences with a focus on the education and creativity. We support and put into action. Projects that impact people’s lives and the social landscape by collaborating with and being led by individuals. Working with women, and a girls education initiative
Offers: Education
City: Malmö
E-mail: info@iafgew.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61559582507818
Website: www.iafgew.com